Mascots of police commands in Poland by voivedoship

Attached: kj57fhfjsrh21.jpg (1000x1103, 111K)

japan tier

Best: Mis Dobronis
Worst: Koziolek Spoko

What's the point of this?

Best: Komisarz Blysk
Worst: all the rest

>inb4 Iceland-user comes and ranks them in fuckability

kot prewencjusz is psychodelic

it's fun

cute, CUTE!

>landlocked region
What did Großpolen mean by this?

it is a potato

Attached: 1546838842072.jpg (720x720, 68K)

he meant kujawsko-pomorskie

Komisarz Blysk is my bf

>kot prewencjusz

Attached: 1552957980768.gif (964x912, 98K)

Commisar Blysk based

co kurwa

Attached: 1446023990261.gif (315x300, 3.12M)

Is that MO uniform?

Attached: milicja obywatelska.jpg (1220x1724, 2.15M)

That's Cuyavia, and it maskes about as much sense as a panda bear in Lublin.

who /sierżantbóbr/ here?

Why no based Korwin ?

It's nice of Wielkopolskie to have an American as a mascot