Popular games made by European countries

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How about factorio?


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You are shit. I am russian, not see it is game. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - very, very good.

no bannerlord 4 kuffar

Also armyclicker.com (its not popular but fun)


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Swedish games:
>Hotline Miami
>Need for Speed
>Mirrorr's Edge
>Just Cause

Russian games:


nope, sultan's orders.

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What do you want in exchange? EU membership?

we want the world.

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You can have my 60€ for the game. Take it or leave it.


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see you later.

>not Minecraft
also loling at Latvia and ex-Yu having no games

tell murikans to leave syria so we can kill some commie k*rds in there

based netherlands thank you

Nice reading comprehension.

based sweden

Everlasting Summer

new bf is thrash

Please replace angeri pirds with Max Payne

KSP is pretty good and Chavo Kart is a masterpiece

Wtf I love Bulgaria now

>not e.y.e.

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nobody plays e.y.e.

EA is at the helm, what do you expect?

American corporations have ruined every single Swedish studio at this point.

Swedish studios are only hired to do the high-tech stuff that Americans are too dumb and uneducated to do.

what you mean nobody, I love that shit

DICE were always smug assholes who think extremely highly of themselves. Despicable swedes; I almost feel bad for EA for having to put up with them.

Mount and Blade is the only good thing to have ever come out of Turkey

Hate to say it, but poland wins on this map Witcher is goat tier.

Britain would win if the map hadn't been made by a disgusting zoomer. All others are irrelevant sadly, especially Poland.

>Swedish studios are only hired to do the high-tech stuff that Americans are too dumb and uneducated to do
Then why can’t you do it yourselves?

It has shit gameplay and quests consists basically of following markers thanks to batman vision

håll käft farfar

like the BRAP sense(TM)

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I guess Russkie aren't all bad

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>not Arc Fatalis

>Ours is some sportshit

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Romania made video games?

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We are the sportshit country after all

just because normalfags dont, it doesnt mean nobody does
EYE is top tier

>swedish games are bunch of garbage for underages
>only video game russia produced is a timeless classic
get fucked slit eyed white haired mutant

what game is inside norway? never seen it

I don't even know what game is that one, I may be wrong but I think that that mario rabbids game is more popular.

Yeah yeah, I do too enjoy hanging around with a .308 rifle and a double barreled shotgun but the game quickly shows its technical limitations
It should be remade


dreamfall chapters

>The Balkan region and Latvia


thanks, wow 9/10, norway is'nt as incompitent as i believed

Now not only I now will steal towels, but also soap and all drinks from mini-bar

>the game quickly shows its technical limitations
on a technical level the game is fun as fuck even after all these years, they should fix up the story though.

>fading shadows
More like fading shitows, because lithuanians EAT SHIT

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the fuck's the greek one


We've got that Mario x Rabbids game made by Ubisoft Milan.

>not timeless

Poland beats them all.

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Silent hunter series is GOAT, but only for big-brain intellectuals such as myself.

Reminder that our mobile game devs like Supercell make more money than many countries in yurop make with their games combined. Keep falling to our meme games, another gacha shit is just around the corner waiting for you.

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stop the fucking presses

based Russia and Turkey


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>an*Ry birds
>not max payne

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Which one do you think is/was more popular?

What the fuck? I didn't know Eve was fucking icelandic...

whats the game that we made?

Mystery Case Files: Key to Ravenhearst

>tfw the only worthwhile game you made got bought by frogs and then died

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They make more money but mobile games are still trash that relies on kids stealing their parent's credit card.

Did you know France make Point & Click?

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Arlantis is also good but you will need a PS1 emulator at this point to play it, I havent enjoyed Mysterious Island and Syberia as much in retrospect

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Russia should have Tetris, the most popular game of all time (suck it America)

Witcher is overrated as fuck. Still a good game, tho.

I'd like to see a similar map for the USA except divided by state

Well technically Tetris was made by the Soviet Union, not the Russian Federation.

I will drink from your skull!

I thought Guerrilla Games was an american company.

>heavy rain
how embarrassing


>not the whole Battlefield franchise
>europa unigayrshallis


what would you do?

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Ha-has the Sultan taken over the mount and blade company? I-is it over bros?

they get gubmint funds

why are you so mean, fren?

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wuts teh romanian one??

Black: The Fall

>Castlevania instead of Commandos or Blade the Edge of Darkness
Shit map

boring ass game

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dying light 2 fucking wheeeeeeeeeeennnnnn

Give me all your artifacts nigger.

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that's a nice head you have on your shoulders

Swedes are so talented

Russia should be Space Rangers

>Cyberpunk 2077
>Dying Light 2
based Poles

>Germany's best game was made by German-Turks

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