Do you like latinas?

Do you like latinas?

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You bet your sweet ass I do

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no, all they do is speak spanish and get pregnant at very early ages

by me

and ask for money

cubano tambien

que pasa en cuba

por supuesto yo soy latino tambien pero la latinas son locas

Sorpresa ver a otro por aca, pues nada este país es una caca mayor por cada año que pasa

They're the only kind I like

you are supposed to be the one impregnating them, not complaining about it in a congolese anime website user.

que malo noticia pero yo voy a visitar mi familia en cuba pornto, tu vivo en habana?

cuanto le queda al socialismo? los afecto que venezuela les haya dejado de regalar cosas?

soy de cojimar espero que disfrutes tu visita

>ftw living in Chicago and there are sexy long-haired Latinas everywhere.


Are you a tourist? I didnt know they had internet in Cuba.


I like dem Sinaloan women

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tu sabe Rogelio Acevedo Gonzales?

Te lo juro me importa poco si hay socialismo o no yo no trabajo para el estado y Venezuela puede dividirsé en 1000 mini estados si les da la gana

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no he lives there and yes they do have internet in cuba but from what i can tell its hot spots whenever my family facetimes with me they are in certain zones where everyone else is facetiming except for my grandpa but he is in the government

Monterrey girl

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i do, but i'd drop a 10/10 latina for a 6/10 white girl in heartbeat

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nop, 100% cubanon we have Internet since a few years ago


Sounds like a good deal to me
Wanna trade?

>Te lo juro me importa poco si hay socialismo o no yo no trabajo para el estado

de que trabajas user? ganas mejor que un empleado publico?

y la ultima. podes salir del pais facilmente?

I have a latina gf aand she is very loud and annoying.

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Another from Monterrey

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why call jannie?

tfw no regia gf

digamos que ganó bastante dinero gracias al pirateo XD (el salario del gobierno es una mierda)

En mi caso puedo ir a España, pero no es tan fácil salir de acá si tienes familia en el exterior o algun amante extranjero todo cambia

More from Monterrey

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i want to have a girlfriend but i have no money. so i never advance in my relationship, and all i get is sex.

only the ones who are 75%+ European

por que les pohiben tanto salir? si fuera facil se irían todos? al fin y al cabo ustedes estan mejor que la mayoria de los paises centro americanos.

Need a Monterrey gf

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That's almost none of them

colombia, chile, cuba and brazil unironically have a lower fertility rate than your shitehole

> al fin y al cabo ustedes estan mejor que la mayoria de los paises centro americanos

que? yo nunca sabie eso

centro america es eso malo?

exactamente la gran mayoría se quedaría en el exterior por motivos salariales etc ,La "seguridad" y tranquilidad es nuestro único punto fuerte

cuba is better than el salvador and all those other little countries that are sending caravans of "refugees" to your country.

How many beheadings has she seen

Most of the time I don't like latinas, no matter how much Jow Forums shills for them

i am cuban american i agree miami was built by cubans and if you got to miami now theres Latino businesses everywhere


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Last one since no one is watching

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Yes, I like >our women.

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I'd give anything for nudes of her. Does anyone have deepfakes?

Brazilian women look like whores.


Fuck that guy. I'm in. I'll take anything under a 7/10, I only care about manly and sharp jaws.

lol what a virgin

It's because they're actual whores

Holy shit. Sauce?


Why is there 2 latina threads?

i do. i had colombian gf(exchange student)

What did she smell like?

>i want to have a girlfriend but i have no money. so i never advance in my relationship, and all i get is sex
It sounds a bit strange. Are you fat? or ugly? If I remember correctly, Argentine men are popular in Latin America as South Korean men are popular in Asia. Although this is the influence of the processed image produced by the media and internet.

human smell! she's not the typical latina what you imagine. she's a conservative christian with glasses

>she's a conservative christian
Together with curvy figure she’d make a decent wife material hnnng