Reminder that communism is the future and that capitalism is on its last legs

Reminder that communism is the future and that capitalism is on its last legs

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>I want to install a dictator in charge who will give me a shabby apartment and a wage slave job which is the same thing I have under capitalism but with less personal rights except I get to screw other people over because I'm jealous of them

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I'm hate communists but i can't stop listening to communist music. Pls help!!!!!!

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I don’t remember that part of the manifesto.

Funfact: the average American has less than no money, they quite literally have nothing to lose but their chains.

Well utopian communism would be pretty nice

its not very difficult to make citizens feel good being labeled as democratic/capitalistic rather than communism

O partigiano, portami via
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
O partigiano, portami via
Ché mi sento di morir

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it's utopian not without reason


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hello cuban american here problem with communism is that you are giving the government full control and that leads to dictatorship and then it all goes downhill from there

>V Put
Excellent taste, portubro. I remember blasting this on the mic when playing counterstrike. It felt so good dying for the motherland.

For all their faults, the commies made some seriously good music desu


It will be possible one day with an AI as overseer of humanity.

>all these people that think that the only form of socialism is Leninist's dictatorship of the proletariat

not that their arguments are any good even against leninism anyway, but jeez, you people need to do some research before crying "muh murderous dictatorship" or "muh government controls everything"

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>this is what discord trannies actually believe

>communism = socialism

explain how communism isn't socialism.
go ahead, I'll wait.

communism is just a more harsher socialism i i think? or is it communism is the evolution of socialism. idk this shit is retarded

I'll gladly explain, but first I want to see what that retard has to say about it.

Communism is the goal, anarchist state with community management of resources. Socialism is the preparation and education of people to achieve that goal, with centralized government to manage the stuff, easily corruptible, neds a philosopher autocrat to be feasible.


That is my OC.

Tell us what the fuck we have to do then che guevara.

read a fucking book for starters

Spanish red music is the best

It is.

You want us to beg. I did read a couple of communist shitbooks in uni many years ago but i didn't understand shit. I won't further waste my time reading padded shitbooks about a concept that's well below ground now. Give me a good reason to pick it up again.

Attention please.
Fuck fascists, fuck moroccans and fuck neo-liberals.

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alright he was indeed a retard and I'm falling asleep.

capitalism: private property of the means of production, the owners exploit workers because they are devoid of means of production by extracting value the workers produced, and they keep it for themselves despite the fact they didn't produce it, it was the worker's labour (they call this "profit").
socialism: collective ownership of the means of production, there's no private property, no economic exploitation, the worker gets the full value of his labour, there's no private owner making a profit.
communism: advanced socialism, where there are no social classes anymore, there's no money (circulating currency), and there's actual democracy (not bourgeois democracy) which would render the state a "non-state".

so yeah, communism is socialism.
socialists and communists are the same people since we all want to establish socialism to reach communism.

Moors are fascist.

it would stop you from making ignorant claims?

Clásico argenzurdo basado.
Me gustaría conversar contigo para que me puedas dar pastillitas ROJAS y educar políticamente.

Quick reminder that all political movements are for brainlets.

All animals have the strong and the weak. This is natural order and no matter what you call your society there will always be a small minority controlling a vast majority.

Participating in politics at any level is a bit like being a cuck. Your letting someone else fuck what is yours, but you pretend to allow it and even enjoy it. The reality is you really never had a say though.

Forget politics. Focus on what is yours and what you see and feel in day to day life.

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Don't you have some muslims to fend off your backyard?

What about wanting total anarchism

preguntame y te respondo, igual ahora no creo que te conteste mucho porque tengo un sueño de la puta madre.

bit mad that innit, like, unironical mad max n sheeit
Pa, pero conversación privada cabeza, que tampoco quiero que se meta conmigo Cerón.

pasame tu msn

los moros que trajo Franco en Madrid quieren entrar...

No tienes algo mas dosmildiecinueve mialma?

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are you retarded>

I remember singing this at school
Good times

No money is a very shit idea. Money is convenient, and personal property keeps existing in both communism and socialism. It's impossible to take personal property away from the people and whatever they have at hand will be used as currency. People have used unmovable rocks sunk at the bottom of the sea as currency before.

Besides, direct democracy is shit and unconvenient, extremely slow and the common person can't be bothered to make every single decision of every irrelevant shit that gets discussed in parliaments. There's need to make decisions for scientific research and costly infrastructure projects as well. A state will always be necessary.

I said a good reason.

Personal property is not private property.

I know that.

Do a vocaroo and sing the chorus

>No money is a very shit idea
consumable labour tokens/vouchers are far superior in order to keep a worker's labour be worth what it should be worth, circulating currency would effectively go against this concept, which would lead to economic exploitation again.
I'd like you to explain why circulating currency "is convenient".
>and personal property keeps existing in both communism and socialism.
I know.
never said it didn't.
>It's impossible to take personal property away from the people and whatever they have at hand will be used as currency.
it's not impossible, but that's not what we want anyway, I trust you know there's a distinction between personal and private property in socialism, we want to get rid of the latter not the former.
and what would be used as currency? a TV? who would trade anything for a TV when everyone would be able to afford one? or any other "commodity" for that matter?
>direct democracy is shit and unconvenient, extremely slow and the common person can't be bothered to make every single decision of every irrelevant shit that gets discussed in parliaments.
do you have anything to back this up? or is it just your unsubstantiated opinion?

>I'd rather be ignorant and show it
alright by me

Marxism was already obsolete as a theory by the 1920s.

Direct democracy really does seem like something that's unconvenient, but then again I'm pretty illiterate at in-depth discussion. I wish I knew the ins and outs of the Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War. Losing the war aside it seemed like a completely functional society. I wonder how they directed their decisions if by Democracy through representatives, a committee (Seems Anarcho-Haram) or Direct Democracy (Highly Doubtful).
The Militias were direct democracies, but when push comes to shove they relied on the decisions of an elected superior and they were small in size.
Now I'm retarded and I haven't even finished reading what I'm about to post but this is an argument against the Catalonian CNT from a pretty well known amer*can jewish ""economist"" and a reply from some literal nobody, maybe you'll find it interesting.

today we commemorate 1964 ETERNAL
the international RWDS for the hunt of communists will start here

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You are not white.

lol ok

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brazilian wh*Te worshippers are even fouler than actual wh*Tes

What if you wanted a battlestation of 3 monitors and a load of posters and figures of your waifu in CCCP? What about things like artwork you produce on your own and other people would like to have? I think everybody should be provided the basic necessities by the state, but that should only be the baseline to build upon. People will always yearn for commodities and personal property and for this reason a currency will always exist. Implying vouchers can't be collected by others than the intended user, they'll begin trading tools with artwork on them or something else as currency.

Based negro.

just take the redpill already senpaitachi

two seconds after that picture those n____ had their heads blown off by a cop's shotgun
i know EXACTLY the color of your skin


I'm not inside his head but if he's saying that you get something for your work it could be assumed that you can spend it on all the SSSR Katyushka minifigurines you want.

Sorry, dont have mic here

Wanna see it? You're not white because you imitated Trump's election like a good monkey. You've been all jew'd by Bolsonaro because you're too retarded to see the exact same rise to power.

>the absolute fucking state of antigommunists
how do you even try to persuade such brainlets?

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Would you unironically rather have Brazil elect fucking PT again? Cool story, call me after you endure 13 years of Podemos in power and see if your country won't sperg out as well.

are you afraid of being HUNTED?

You don't.

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lol no, that BLVCK BVLL humiliated both those wh*Tes and the pigs protecting them and is still around being BLVCK and BASED today

Don't you have a smartphone?

I don' lige gommies bcuz they promot the gay ppl an trannis and women won gave seks wid me de comies promot de gurdural marksisms uuh
>Being hunted
>In Spain
Maybe if the anti-communists here had an IQ over the one digit. Sadly for you, they're all rats. I'm a Skinhead, I've been approached by their type, they're laughable manlets. The only ones that have any physical capabilities are the military types, and they're mentally deficient.
Do you think I care who you elect? You're all monkeys for me and I think that letting Portugal go off Galicia was a mistake because look what happened.

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let them come, i doubt the pigs will be able to fit through my doorway

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>you're a nigger because you elected someone I don't like
>actually no I don't care who you elect
I think the 15 concurrent years of unemployed NEETdom living in your parents' house have corroded your brain Manolo.


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this so much

numbers confirm

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I'm not saying you're a nigger BECAUSE you elected him. I'm saying you're not white DESPITE you electing him.
Learn 2 english João and maybe get out of your home and take a look at your country. If Bolsonaro won it's because the rest of your Subhuman countrymen can't even be bothered to vote drowning in bunda and drugs.

Only good post in this thread. Shame everyone is giving you hell for it.


I don't know chief, seems based to me. Only med*terranean liberals cry about this shit. Me? I've never seen a bull get killed, but I would go.


*bolts nugget*

i feel sorry for them, they are just hungry because of being poor, we should just feed them... feed them BULLETS

>Participating in politics at any level is a bit like being a cuck.
>at any level

Yeah, being amongst the most powerful people on Earth is being a cuck.

What the fuck are you talking about...

Forgot pic.

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he's baste and centrepilled you, yes you, you should also do nothing about politics and rejoyce in the status quo regardless of what you might believe in

rejoyce being a lowly sheep lmfao

Capitalism and communism are both cancers, only fascism can save us now

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ANY sudamerica bros have a link to a torrent of this film? I heard its kino and want to watch it so bad

yeah, that's gonna be a "based" from me!

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Only found this.

no u

modern day fascists are just tools of capitalists you sheep


redpilled post

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Communists are the ones being subverted by the bourgeois and elites in order to fight against a mythical fascist scapegoat that doesn't exist
The ruling class of america is controlled by leftist and israelite interests


if the right-wing around the world was that, you would have been buried alive already

>The ruling class of america is controlled by leftist and israelite interests
>GOP vehemently pro isreal and pushing tax cuts for the rich

>America is leftist
Lmao, you are a nutjob
America is undoubtedly zionist, but your right wing sins of that the most