How do I start my gourmet & medicinal mushroom business? I think I found a niche but I don't know where to start.
>t. 29 year old boomer
How do I start my gourmet & medicinal mushroom business? I think I found a niche but I don't know where to start.
>t. 29 year old boomer
Fuck mushrooms. Where can I get some medicinal cocaine?
Build a space-bucket and grow a coca plant in your closet.
You need to find decent spore prints or syringes for the species you want to grow, read about the substrate they grow on, and read a whole fuckton about the process. Ironically, you should practice by growing psilocybe cubensis (magic mushrooms) because they are forgiving to grow, spore syringes are inexpensive, and they are easy to resell. Go to the shroomery and read like a motherfucker.
I should add to this, you need to have your grow operation set up with no hitches and worked out so you have multiple batches growing at staggered intervals so that you can guarantee consistent harvests. Once you have this dialed in and your mushrooms are high quality, then you solicit high-mid to high scale restaurants with your product, and you spend a lot of time driving around to farmers markets to shill. It can be very lucrative but it is involved as all hell and takes a LOT of face to face business accumen to get your market established.
Good luck
which variety are you planning on growing?
also are you turning an entire room into a grow room?
I'm going to take a stab at lion's mane because it has been shilled so much lately, have the sport syringes ready to go just need to buy the wood pellet substrate and find a good tek
what's so cool about mushrooms is how cheap and sustainable their growing methods are
It's a dream of mine to have a mushroom business but like you I wouldn't know where to start
there are some youtube videos but I would think growing the mushrooms is the easy part
like said you'll probably need to shill to farmers markets and stuff to start moving product
Why don't you just sell mushrooms you find in the forests?
start with... the mushrooms
Thanks so much for this input! I've actually been growing for about 6 months and have my process dialed in pretty well.
I recently developed my own hybrid bulk/tek mycelium substrate that looks very promising (full inoculation in less than a week, weight 1.5 pounds at least).
My plan is to grow portobellos, morells, lions mane and turkey tail, but i'm curious how the actual business aspect of this would look. Thanks for your thorough reply!
Why are you giving this info? Also do you know anything about growing black trumpets from the Chanterelle family? I love the taste on meat.
Spice Road. Haven't you heard that bitcoin is a reliable currency and blockchain supplies utopian privacy?
Here are the results of the method I developed. This has been growing since monday and should be ready to fruit by next friday I would assume. I have the supply, now I need to monetize it.
Forgot pic
Lions mane is on my radar. I plan to farm it in my parents forest using inoculated wooden dowels and soaked wooden logs. Might not be the best method but they have the best natural environment for it (living im a moist, swampy forest with plenty of dead trees to inoculate). My plan for that is to dry the fruit, encapsulate it and sell them as medicinal bottles of 25-50 pills to natural health stores.
Morells and Portobellos are my ideal gourmet product. For now i will be growing in my closet, and if I need to scale up my uncle has a wood shop we could convert into a full farm. But again, my concern is finding steady & consistent customers to support this big of an operation.
I've no information about black trumpets. I do know that chanterelles in general are difficult/impossible to cultivate in a lab, as they have a necessary symbiotic relationship with the trees they grow under. I'd say pick up shrooming if you want some! I share because mycology was my dream until some bad things happened to me, and I want any bizbro who is passionate about shrooms to make it.
Beautiful. Do you need info about how to make a market or more how to administer the accounting side of things?
Thank you! At this point I would need more information on how to tap into these 3 markets (farmers markets, restaurants & bottling pills for medicinal purposes).
I'm thinking of shilling the gourmet mushrooms to restaurants at wholesale to get my foot in the friend has a sales crew he could mobilize for next summers farmers market season. I would sell them for market value here, but I plan to give my friend and his crew a 33% cut for their effort since I won't have time to spend my summers doing that. Or am I retarded for getting to far ahead of myself?
Missed this reply. Farmers markets. If you have fine dining nearby, approach those businesses and network through them. Lots of chef/restauranteurs sell on the 'locally sourced' meme, and they all kind of know eachother. You might be able to get 'signature' dishes and free advertising from those clients. If you're a good cook, you could even shill dish ideas to restaurants, or have a prepared food deal at farmers markets... People go apeshit for that. Also, health food stores like Clarks or Sprouts, and mom and pop produce grocers are a decent bet for big contracts.
If you can dry your mushrooms, especially lionsmane, then you have a lot more possible businesses to work with.
I wish you the best, man. You've clearly put a lot of work into it all.
Thank you so much for providing me with this direction. I've been fascinated with growing mushrooms since I started and recently realized how passionate I am about this. Making money off any passion would be a dream come true so this really gives me a lot of hope - You made my day user!
Forgot to mention, take it slow-ish. You want to develop a reputation for good relationships. Quality product and availability to your existing clients are how you make it work (and afford higher prices) and you can ensure that by keeping things slow at first.
This is a good point. So far I've been learning slowley, but each batch I've produced i have been able to scale up by x2. I would presume I should start with a small enough supply to meet the needs of 1 customer and cycle my grow's based on their demand, grow that relationship and then repeat the process?
Nice focus, faggot
have you gotten morels to work inside?
I would invest in the most efficient production equipment and always think about cutting down time and energy to produce results
get the biggest autoclave/pressure cooker you can to sterilize substrate and have it on an electric timer so you can harvest and dry while that's going
try to automate everything you can like humidifiers and temperature control with sensors connected to a raspberry pi so you cut out variables and can master your method
Yep, that's a good plan. Getting ahead on the growing side isn't too bad because dried stock keeps for a couple months, but tou don't want your obligations to overwhelm you. At a certain point, new customers come to you, so you want to develop your skill to handle that before it comes.
>he doesn't get the joke
I haven't yet - I heard that it's nearly impossible but I have a spore supplier who is helping me start this process before next month. I'm cautiously optimistic since I have heard about the increased difficulty.
Regarding my equipment, i do need a bigger pressure cooker so that is something I will look into. My fruiting chambers do require a lot of regular maintenance (misting and fanning) but my brother mentioned he could help me hook up a networked arduino/raspberry pi to a network that I could remote into to check in on air temp, humidity and oxygen level, and automate the misting and planning.
Thanks again for your knowledge. I know there are a lot of moving parts to this but the info you guys shared in this thread reinforces the idea that I might really be on to something here. I'll be taking notes on this, and I will post updates in the future. You all are awesome
i'm calling the police