How do I start my gourmet & medicinal mushroom business? I think I found a niche but I don't know where to start

How do I start my gourmet & medicinal mushroom business? I think I found a niche but I don't know where to start.

>t. 29 year old boomer

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Fuck mushrooms. Where can I get some medicinal cocaine?

Build a space-bucket and grow a coca plant in your closet.

You need to find decent spore prints or syringes for the species you want to grow, read about the substrate they grow on, and read a whole fuckton about the process. Ironically, you should practice by growing psilocybe cubensis (magic mushrooms) because they are forgiving to grow, spore syringes are inexpensive, and they are easy to resell. Go to the shroomery and read like a motherfucker.


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I should add to this, you need to have your grow operation set up with no hitches and worked out so you have multiple batches growing at staggered intervals so that you can guarantee consistent harvests. Once you have this dialed in and your mushrooms are high quality, then you solicit high-mid to high scale restaurants with your product, and you spend a lot of time driving around to farmers markets to shill. It can be very lucrative but it is involved as all hell and takes a LOT of face to face business accumen to get your market established.
Good luck

which variety are you planning on growing?
also are you turning an entire room into a grow room?

I'm going to take a stab at lion's mane because it has been shilled so much lately, have the sport syringes ready to go just need to buy the wood pellet substrate and find a good tek

what's so cool about mushrooms is how cheap and sustainable their growing methods are
It's a dream of mine to have a mushroom business but like you I wouldn't know where to start
there are some youtube videos but I would think growing the mushrooms is the easy part
like said you'll probably need to shill to farmers markets and stuff to start moving product

Why don't you just sell mushrooms you find in the forests?

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start with... the mushrooms