Will i make it with 10k? Planning to make this my largest holding

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 9.20.06 PM.png (524x270, 112K)

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I like Aion as much as you do but please stop with the same post over and over!!!! Do something constructive and contribute to the project by creating content based on facts...... Then maybe you will make it

are these stupid faggots gonna do any marketing
this barely ever has volume

You will. I'm now near there myself. Super comfy. Sell 50% of your stack at the next run to $10, wait a month or two.

Wait for the bridge.

interested in aion but what's so special about it?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at 8.37.41 PM.png (1294x506, 180K)

Yep. I'm invested in Matt.

Why sell 50 % of stack? Can we run node with 10k?

JACS...just another Chinese scam...prove me cant

Matt is

Because markets run in cycles, until they don't (short term) or go much higher than expected, and it's best to double up and use half for flipping. Don't you know how this all works just yet?

True, but we cant time the market. ETH went from $7 to $500 in an epic bull run and stayed there. It went to $1500 , but that was supermoon

That's actually worse

if you know you know
people have no idea what this is
they are gonna miss out big time

That's why I am advising you to double the amount you'd normally buy, and sell half when you think it's peaked. That way, if you're wrong, you still win big-time.

Isnt this at all time low now? Isnt this the point of maximum financial gain?

Yep. A hair below ICO even.

Gonna be a lot of "why didn't I buy below $1 holy shit" thread in 2019.

yes, staking is coming in 2019 early Q

What do we wait for after nobody gives a shit about the bridge?

ICO was $0.75. Still overpriced imo.


Even still, if pre-pre-pre-pre-angel tier sale price was 0.80 cents or something, you're gonna sweat 5%?


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very, very comfy with my stack. adding a few hundred every time it bottoms out.

this is easily a mid two digit coin in terms of price. good team, awesome community, mining + staking + bridges and cool tech shit, and matt is a fucking genius.

good that he's a fucking ex-deloitte employee and has the corporate contacts to onboard shit too.

did i say: fucking. comfy. anons.

Cant do state swap on external chains, just within the eth network. Like evey other project t b h

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oh wow, thanks sold 100k! glad you helped me, user!

are you larping as a deluded bagholder?

>did i say: fucking. comfy. anons.
You consider this comfy?

See fundamentals, faggot

yeah, great point to enter for those who want something that will survive the shitcoin purge

slap this chart on literally most coins. forget the fact the teeka pump which makes the dump look worse than it really is.

i mean it's your life, user. do whatever the fuck you wish. i'm unironically comfy because i'm active in the project - part of a mining pool, hang around on TG etc etc. feels darn good.

Fundamentals don't mean shit when it's bleeding out you deluded bagholder. You realise you can buy on reversal right? Don't have to hold a heavy bag to the floor.
>hang around on TG
Oh, so you're on of those deluded cunts. Explains it.

>Fundamentals don't mean shit when it's bleeding out you deluded bagholder. You realise you can buy on reversal right? Don't have to hold a heavy bag to the floor.

Who knows when the trend will reverse? just hv to dollar cost average. my first buy was at $1.2. i didnt but in jan, when it went to $11.5

fundamentals: a tiny case of people holding millions of worthless tokens for a vaporware project with no future which they will sellout at some point cratering the price with no survivors

literally seen this scam 100s of times

Funny to see people attempt to FUD when they can't use "chink scam" or "pajeet scam" because this is an Aryan coin.

WAN AION ICX all top 10 MC 2020.

lol ur a moron, pre pre pre pre pre angel tier sale price was 0.5$ and thats where most tokens were sold not that bullshit posted on icodrops... and guess what, this piece of shit has a continuos sort of 'ico' like eos (thats why the supply doubled this year and its going to get to 300m coins in november) , except the price is already set up to be 0.5$ in eth value and only the 'early' investors can participate in ... so yes goy, buy now, so others can get an easy x2 in this bear market

if this crap doesn't reverse and the marketcap will be the same at the rate new supply is getting released on the market your chink coins are gonna be worth 0.3 each in oct-nov

reminder that Ian balina got in on the presale and locked his tokens into trs for the 300% bonus and now dumps them on you aion bag holders every month. Enjoy

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This is canadain,not chink :)

keep shilling AION, meanwhile in a few months AION will still be below $1 and VEN will be at least $5

Don't tell us what to do

nice ven shill