NKN We will have our new update for our testnet tomorrow, pls. stay tuned


Attached: NKN-logo.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Fuck this shit

Buy 0xBTC instead

get out pajeet...

who else JUSTED by this piece of shit

Went in super heavy. Was holding really well for a couple weeks. Onchain, Yanbo, Cryptic labs, blah blah seemed like a winner

Now I'm this close to kms

You get out American born chinese

Reminder that this project is a scam

This is their reasonong behind no exchanges

Attached: 20180717_193424.jpg (1080x388, 136K)

It's quite obviously not a scam, but they clearly dropped the ball on exchanges and then were scrambling to find an excuse afterwards

Project is pretty good, shame its being dragged through the mud over a silly thing like exchanges

Don't worry just hold until $2+

When they flat out lie on matters like these what makes you think they arent lying about their project?

Kek, this is some A grade MLM bullshit they feed their bagholders with.

reminds me of MAN who promised big exchanges back in march, then in april. Still not even on huobi. Fucking chinks. why is it always them

The difference is NKN team didnt make any promises. Its been a long term project for day one and all we're seeing are impatient moonboys complaining. Anyone seriously invested doesnt focus this much on short term in such a speculative market. Its as simple as dont invest more than youre wilking to lose but so many people in crypto lack the self discipline to adhere to this one motto. I got in around .35 and sold around .5, bought back around .22 so basically back where i started. These posts are just getting old for nkn being so young in comparison to other projects tbis board is obsessed with.

holding shitcoins long term is a good way to become poor since 99% of them will be dead in a year

Its like youre only capable of spewing the same shit youve already heard from other brainlets that are incapable of critical thinking. I even talked about not investing what youre willing to lose since a lot of the market boils down to gambling. Cant become poor if its just extra play money in the first place. I dont need crypto in order to "make it," im living the life i want already.

they never lied and their top at being professional, just look at bruce

Oh ,

Make a list of coins with under 50k telegram users that are on big exchanges.

You will have to make multiple posts in order to fit them all on this thread.

They are lying, stop being an idiot

you're an idiot, post proof, i've been with them for months now... since the early bird, havent seen more professional guys

Attached: community_voteposter.jpg (595x867, 109K)

then you haven't been around alot. I joined the telegram at 4000 members. Not impressed.

>bought in big at $.50
>immediately tanks to $.25
>no problem I'll double down to bring my DCA down

I posted proof already you fucking curry reaking moron, look at the reddit handle in the screenshot above

Are you me?

hypothesis != proof
correlation doesnt imply causation

and still dont see your shitty "proof"

you're one piece of nigger scammer

I think even if this gets listed on Binance this coin is just fucked. What maybe it gets 2x and goes to .28, even then most people would still be down. I wish I would have just burned my money instead of buying this shit. At least I would have gotten more fulfillment from that.

Exactly. An exchange listing will barely pump the price at this point since 95% of the people bagholding this shitcoin are going to immediately run for the exits. I'm considering selling everything now at 70% loss and going all in Holo. They may be boomers but at least they are white. FUCK CHINKS

Ha. You fucking moron. Please continue to buy high sell low. Then kill yourself.


Attached: nknintheocean.jpg (650x433, 36K)