You can post emojis today

Attached: 1537908786451.jpg (480x480, 26K)

give them to me NOW



>tfw too much of a pointslet to post emojis

Attached: 53626882_1269408399883978_134429656871416311_n.jpg (1080x1080, 49K)


Jow Forums really needs emojis
fuck the chink administrator😃


based and redpilled

Attached: bronxpus.jpg (464x540, 77K)


why can't I post emojis? is it because of points?


Daddy’s cummies, nice and yummy

Thick and gooey, feel like honey

That sweet milk, oh-so-tasty

Daddy, Daddy, please be hasty!

My tongue swirls round and round

While Daddy gives my ass a great big pound

Over in the corner, wrapped in chains

Mommy huddled over, screaming in pain

“Shut up, bitch! Stay on the floor!”

Mommy sobbing louder, I call her a whore

She reaches behind her for her gun

While Daddy gropes and tickles my sweet buns

Puts the barrel between her teeth

And Daddy’s semen begins to seep

Gunpowder, blood, brains and gore

Mommy’s lifeless corpse slumps to the floor

Cummies, cummies filling my throat

My pussy is completely soaked

But Daddy’s cock just gets bigger

Over near the drawers, he grabs the scissors

Cuts a hole in Mommy’s stomach

In her hand, a gin and tonic

He begins to unravel her strings of intestines

“Look closely, you’ll learn a lesson”

Ties a noose, rigs it tight

“Sweetie, sweetie, no need to fight”

Puts her guts around my neck

“Looks like everything’s good and set”

Lets me fall down about a yard

Face turning blue, choking hard

All the while, Daddy’s stroking his cock

And for a moment, our eyes lock

Tears of joy stream down my face

I’m going to a better place~

I told you about this and you didn't even give me likes.

also you need to have certain amounts of points to post emojis. The more likes you have the more features are unlocked.


Some finn had a dino running around in his post. Pretty sweet. Had anyone unlocked :spooky: yet?


holy shit rabbit emoji








testing whee

Are my emojies activated


Please upvote and like my post.

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Okay I'm retarded how does this work

Rolled 2 (1d6)

testing dice