What the FUCK do you do once you've made it?

So I cashed out my crypto before the crash last year. After taxes I made around $600,000. Not exactly lambo gains, but enough to NEET for the rest of myself on a frugal lifestyle I guess.

I kind of feel I got rich too fast because I just don't know what the fuck to do with my life. I'm 23. I have no friends or social life. Once I "made it" I lost my virginity to 3 hookers while wearing a mask because I was too embarrassed to show my ugly ass face. Still makes me cringe that I did that but I guess I have the benefit of not being ridiculed as a virgin anymore.

>inb4 vidya and anime

That shit gets boring pretty fast. Besides there are no good games or TV shows this year that interest me. Boku No Hero Academia and Gintama are the only crappy ass animes I'm keeping up with this year since I've got nothing better to do.

>inb4 get Jow Forums

I actually paid a lot of money to hire an ex-olympian personal coach earlier this year to help me lift. I was too beta to go to the gym myself alone so hiring a coach was the logical option. Even though the guy was cool and 100% knew his shit, I still felt I got nothing out of it and was left depressed even after working out.

>inb4 learn a skill

Yeah tried that but I just can't motivate myself to commit to an online course. I probably have ADHD or something because learning anything that requires some effort turns my brain off.

Honestly I just don't know what to do with my life Jow Forums. I told my parents that I "got a work from home job" and I am actually helping them pay off on their housing loan through my crypto gains every month. Truth is, I just sit around in my room all day surfing the net, fapping, watch 2 or 3 episodes of anime, surfing, fapping, and fall asleep watching fucking bloomberg news.

I just fear that if I told my parents the truth they would tell me to move out, but I honestly don't want to pay some kike landlord rent even though I can afford it.

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You're 23 with 600k and you live with your parents.... no wonder you're depressed.

Go on a fun trip around the world then get an apartment... time to level up

Checked user.
put $20-50K in Link. travel for a month, get yourself a place then figure out how to spend your millions.

Unironically breed white women and make white children.

learn how to dedicate yourself
that's pretty much your primary problem

Move out and live on your own, the shit you'll need to learn and habits you'll gain will be a good stepping stone
You are incredibly fucking lucky that you have the opportunity of buying a house flat out, and have the option of buying that house damn near anywhere you want
Go buy a plot of land in the country for cheap and live the comfy life, Turn your crypto into an actual solid job, industrialize it and maximize your gains
Go to Jow Forums for information on how to get Jow Forums, you have the option of buying home gym equipment and not having to go out into a public one

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>what the fuck do you do once you've made it
Anyone. You can do anyone you want.

hold on
>I have 600k
>I don't want to pay rent
nigger you don't need to rent, you have the money to buy a house without a mortgage

>Go to Jow Forums for information on how to get Jow Forums,

I guess you didn't read my OP. I clearly said I hired a personal coach to help me lift

>Once I "made it" I lost my virginity to 3 hookers while wearing a mask because I was too embarrassed to show my ugly ass face. Still makes me cringe that I did that but I guess I have the benefit of not being ridiculed as a virgin anymore.
That's a weird way of looking at things. The weight of being a virgin would have eventually been lifted. The weight of having lost your virginity to a hooker while wearing a mask is something that will be with you for the rest of your life.

I have 250k at 20 and this is what I think. The best parts about being rich is that everyone respects you for it and you never have to worry about anything money related. How will a Ferrari or mansion make your life better? It won't.

HOWEVER you DO NOT get the respect of you have money alone but nothing to go with it e.g. lottery winners, you're just regarded as rich trash.

To get around this you still need to be "successful" in other aspects to get the respect. The most important is a degree, even if it's just a bachelor's. Your also shouldn't be living with your parents and should aim for a prestigious career.

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