Who can actually protect their cold storage?
Who can actually protect their cold storage?
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Jamal will bust your window then beat your frail ass
me because I'm not a skinny bitch who needs a gun cause I can't fight
i keep a pistol on my coffee table
Seems like you never had a gun pointed at you before LMAO
keep a shotgun under your bed or behind or inside the wardrobe
Me keep memomoinic in me head
Also no tell anyone about me crypto
You posted 2 shitty ass pistols... Come on bra if you make a gun thread at least have something to show
Lmao obviously not you
Don't merrimutts see anything wrong with having to consider using guns to defend themselves?
no. its not like were constantly under siege, but you never know when a couple standover men will show up..and they'll have guns.
I'm portuguese and I own a fucking gun. U should be fucking hanged if you are a man and unable to defend your family
>i will protect my virginity with these empty clips
It's the best security HANDS DOWN
Any smart citizen in the world knows the power of owning one
Lol I keep my coins in my gun safe.
wow the spot welds on your receiver are really noticeable... make of rifle? just curious
sexy as fuck.
>Guys I'm a badass I can destroy armed assailants with my bare hands, only weaklings use guns
Please go back you stupid faggot.
I put my secret keys on one of those pet id chips that go under the skin and tagged about a dozen homeless men around the city with them. Feels good knowing my coin is safe and I can sleep better at night.
Better than letting some shitbag harm you or the people you care about.
>posts Jamal's pistol
>warns me about Jamal
whats your endgame Jamal?
>brain wallet
Better hope you never get a concussion.
Stop posting pictures of your shit niggers
atf aint got jurisdiction where I am
>inb4 Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be the name of a convenience store and not a fucking Govt. Agency
gross ass hundguns itt
this user knows
patrician steel frame double action master race
Your serial number is showing, you dumb son of a bitch.
nice dildo faggot
I will always have a soft spot in my heart for czech guns, history, beer and pussy.
Get some real guns anons, I have a little over 14k LINK that I am willing to fight and die for. You will literally have to pry my guns and my LINK from my cold dead hands
>muh guns
>muh benjamins
kys you fucking street nigger
Thanks! Just added the serial numbers in your image to the Federal Reserve's stolen money tracker costing you $500!
/Biz Just bury it in the ground and don't tell anyone. /Pol go back
It's insurance. Those who say guns aren't needed are naive, sheltered people who live in the suburbs.
is that makeup in the upper right corner?
Datamining thread
ew defend myself?
I should trust the government to do that for me
As a gun bro...when biz posts gun threads it's literally the same feeling I get as when normans say HODL outloud. OP, that that Ruger sell it, buy BTS, profit, and buy a real gun. CZ bro, nice taste but go shoot and get gud and lose that shit tier laser made for boomer's who can't see well and open carry. Cheers
>i'm a europoor who isn't allowed to own a gun
fix'd it for you
guns are the reason there's no knights or samurai anymore, and i'm pretty sure they would have destroyed you tough guy
I have a BB gun that feels and looks exactly like a real gun, works for me
>thinking anyone is going to be impressed by paper fiat on a crypto board
Jow Forums thread here we go
For me, it's the browning Hi-power
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>I have a BB gun that feels and looks exactly like a real gun, works for me
Ok, but I hope you don't think that a toy BB gun is going to protect you against someone breaking into your home with a real actual gun
americans they will never learn
I don't know if I would have the will power to not KMS.....
that's not yours, dingus, I've got that saved on my hard drive
>user has plans to 3D print this
If you want to 3d print a steel gun I wish you the best of luck, but if you do that you're not printing a gun, you're printing a grenade
just being sarcy
I have met a engineer @ Red Bull F1, was telling me about titanium 3d printers.
I am sure they are cost prohibitive...
not 3d printed but pic related, it's my G17 with a polymer80 lower that I finished with a hand drill and some sandpaper
no registration, no FFL, 100% legal
put over 500 rounds through it so far, no problem
CZ makes the finest 9mm known to man, a proper white man's gun. Not nigger plastic.
u could 3d print some mags for it.
Or even a carbine stock and see how it goes
I'm moving to the states next year but i'm fucking terrified by the thought of owning and wielding a gun. I'm a bong, never owned a weapon in my life. How scary is it there? Do you walk around the streets in fear of getting shot randomly? How often do people die at shooting ranges? How does the blowback feel when shooting a firearm?
How did you square the corners so well in the magazine release?
>no registration, no FFL, 100% legal
good luck explaining the loophole to johnny law after he shoots your dog
well, obviously it depends a lot on which part of the states and which city you are going to. There's places that are some of the safest on earth, and also some of the most dangerous.
I have lived all over the US and I personally have never seen anyone get shot, or know anyone who has. The only shooting I ever see is at my local gun range. No one ever gets shot there because everyone takes safety seriously and knows what they are doing.
Despite what the media would tell you, you should feel safer in places like Arizona where a large part of the population is lawfully armed, and less safe in places like D.C, Detroit, and Chicago that have stricter gun laws and only criminals are armed.
>How scary is it there? Do you walk around the streets in fear of getting shot randomly? How often do people die at shooting ranges? How does the blowback feel when shooting a firearm?
it's a meme, dude
i just bought it like that, it's an extended mag release. I actually want to replace it to a factory one because it sticks out a little too much
no fucking doubt
another crazy loophole is being able to buy airguns online powerful enough to take down deer (and humans, obviously) because they aren't classified as "guns" according to the ATF.
but criminals aren't buying airguns, polymer80 "ghost guns", or 3d printed guns. They are just buying real, actual guns from other criminals.
>if you own a gun you must be from Jow Forums
Where the fuck did these faggots come from?
>How scary is it there?
Depends on area, not that scary in most places.
>Do you walk around the streets in fear of getting shot randomly?
>How often do people die at shooting ranges?
Very rarely.
>How does the blowback feel when shooting a firearm?
Not bad at all for most handguns.
For me owning a firearm is just insurance, I'm unlikely to ever actually need it but by the same token if I were to need it for home defense police response time here is about 40 minutes, I'd be dead before a cop arrived.
>Stop posting pictures of your shit niggers
knew you weren't a burger. nobody in USA would buy a full frame .380
Fuck, you are a faggot
i want a girlfriend like this plz
well their population is 1/3rd niggers and spics
*glocks ur path*
I have a SW Model 39-2 bedside
lmao you arent going to scare anyone with a bitch ruger LOL
P-01 is the patrician's firearm. CZ master race. Need to put some cajun gun works thin aluminum grips on that though.
>Don't merrimutts see anything wrong with having to consider using guns to defend themselves?
just admit it, you're jealous. you wish you could own a gun but you can't because you aren't allowed to in whatever country you are in.
liking guns and weapons is instinctual in every heterosexual male on earth. If seeing an assault rifle doesn't stir up positive emotions in you, you're probably a fag
what does biz think of this
Nobody wants my bags
t. Eurocuck
If I put my ledger up the rectum, does it turn into hot storage?
If no one knows that you own something, no one can rob you.
For 99, 9% of all people, a simple USB stick deposited at the Bank, one in your home and one in a secure location you like is enough to keep it secure.
My arsenal to protect my gains
If you need guns to protect your crypto you have already failed.
>I dont need guns, I voluntarily give the niggers who break into my house my crypto along with my biopussy
>being antigun
real men don't need guns, anyone who breaks into my home will be dealt a swift death with a strike from my Katana
you’d have to be retarded to break in my house.
i don't own a gun because i literally think i would kill myself with it one day. i don't trust myself. it sucks. i want one but i just would be sitting there with it in my hand and it's just too much power to have. even holding a knife is just fucking weird for me.
curious, does a dog know if their meat is spiked with sleeping pills?
>i don't own a gun because i literally think i would kill myself with it one day. i don't trust myself. it sucks. i want one but i just would be sitting there with it in my hand
that's why you keep it in a safe. I have mine in a safe under my bed that requires my fingerprint to open, or a pin code if that fails. If you have thoughts of killing yourself, the first step would be opening the safe and that's the line you don't cross.
as far as holding it in your and sitting there with it, then you do it while its doesn't have a mag in it and its been cleared (no round in the chamber). That's just basic gun safety
You have trouble with that pin above the trigger pin too? I have a polymer80 g19 and the pin doesn't seem to fit so I've left it out with no problems but I feel like that's suboptimal.
if the pin doesn't fit then it might be the the wrong pin or you used the wrong drill bit to make the holes, it should go in with relatively little force. I found polymer80 lowers usually involve some tinkering before they run flawlessly, but i wouldn't shoot it while missing a pin, all the pins are there for a reason.
But what if your attacker has a gun?
>being a stupid nigger
Why can't you be a smart black man instead?
fucking kek
Sorry not sorry you cant into basic opsecs, dumb shit redneck.
>being tech illiterate and blabbering to every one you meet about your crypto riches
Just asking for it desu
>Sorry not sorry
Why are you trying so hard to be a bugman
umad bro?
It was a real question