What kind of mental illness do you need to have inorder to do this to yourself?

What kind of mental illness do you need to have inorder to do this to yourself?

Attached: LCCR-Face-Transplant-Suicide-Article.png (1600x800, 588K)

Attached: Major Asshole.jpg (908x480, 13K)

What the fvck is this?

She tried to an hero and failed so they gave her a face transplant.

>girl tried to commit suicide by gun shot
>fails and is left with a giant whole in the face
>get face transplant from 32 year old junkie or something

Shot herself through the face with a hunting rifle.
Surgeons put her back together the best they could.
Then she got a full face transplant.

The result is pretty good compared to earlier face transplants.

photoshop ilness
or mudsharking

Why is her new face so round why do they have to make it so?

(invalidated by )

imaging how different her world is now, how differently people are treating her. She was pretty before and now she's repulsive.

This is really sad desu.

oh,,,she must be thinking "why do people have to keep torturing me"

Women literally can’t do anything right lmao

Who knew shooting yourself in the face could functionally turn you into a man

How do I upvote things now?

IIRC it has to do with the drugs she has to take so her body wont reject the face.

Damn, she looking swole. Mad props

I wonder how it would've felt to stick your dick in that hole, doesn't look big enough tho

I like it


Massive swelling after surgery, most of this eventually goes down but in the process, some abnormal tissue forms that is more or less permanent.
Surgeons also have to leave a bunch of the original face tissue in place in case of rejection (which would force them to remove the new face).
Also imperfect fit of course.

From what I understand the key to the best result is high compatibility, so it's better to get a donor who's more biologically similar than physically similar.

This woman will probably look better over time as she gets further surgeries to remove some of the excess tissue and realign parts (like eyes, lips).
Pic related is a slightly newer picture.

Attached: KatieStubblefield_Post_Meeting.jpg (1600x1200, 394K)

Why didn’t they just let her die?

Why didn't they just let her die and instead did all this surgery nonsense? Clown world.

checkmate, atheists

she's also fucking fat so it's not surprising her face is too

A bad aim.🙁

Her face transplant surgery was actually paid for by AFIRM (www.afirm.mil), an organization set up by the US military to fund research into reconstructive surgery for soldiers.

Obviously you might wonder why the military is so interested in expensive plastic surgery (they haven't even done it on a soldier yet), but understanding how to prevent the body from rejecting foreign tissue grafts has tons of useful applications.

Probably also cause her parents wanted to save her

it must be real hard to aim at your brain
or perhaps it wasn't damaged because of how small her brain is

lol what a loser desu😃


Why torture her with living? Why not just let her die? She clearly wanted to.

>be beautiful girl
>get dumped by boyfriend
>you could literally get another boyfriend in the next hour but instead you shoot yourself
>you're a woman so naturally you fail at the easiest of tasks
>instead of living as a beautiful woman or embracing death, now you have to live as an ugly woman and essentially be treated like a man
she's thot patrolled herself♨️

welp she now have a new excuse to try again !

a rat lab for the us military then

her daughter or son still can look like her old self
she just needs to get a baby to stop her depression

As an incel how do you feel about the fact that she would rather kill herself than be with you?

By face transplant, you mean they took a face and put it in her or just random skin from other parts of body and put it together like playdoh?
I cant handle thinking about having a dead persons face strapped to my skull that aint right.

I always wondered, why does the state care whether you an hero or not? I mean, you have all these life lines and suicide prevention PSAs and in the US, they can summon the police to restrain you if they ever think you're gonna off yourself, and then in extreme cases they throw you in a mental institution and stab you with their "calming juice" if you try to kys again.
Why do they care? Aren't you free to decide how to end your life? How could anyone remove this freedom from you and still later tell you that they "saved" you and that "you have so much to live for".
Moreover, why is euthanasia not legal in all first world cunts by now?

just depression is enough

This would not happen if she was satisfied with her sex life.

Attached: 🔥.png (1163x1559, 988K)

nah, she had depression, not rape fetish