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Rolled 97 (1d100)

If >80 UK will cease to exist this year

Seems like April Fools


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I'll have a larger order of freedom fries and a coke

how did they get in? aren't there any security guard or something?

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white women lol

They superglued their hands to the glass so they weren't so easily removed. All been arrested now.
Orderrrrr restored.

Ah yes, climate change, truly should be a priority for MPs in the next 11 days

Can the African nuclear superpower that is France nuke Northern Pakistan aka UK already?

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What's the point in even bothering to veil your exhibitionist fetish in the guise of political activism?

I long for it...

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I was gonna say we should nuke the Brits before I remembered that cockroaches are the only creature capable of surviving a nuclear blast.



>wearing underwear♥️


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fucking scum.

There's a public gallery where you can watch. They must have gone into there and then... taken on this form.

The blondie seems the only good looking one and she's hidden in both photos

imagine churchill seeing this

Churchill was a war criminal who should have been publicly executed.

Those aren't right honourable gentlemen, aren't them?

Utterly pointless, even if this climate shit is true there's nothing that can be done without killing billions

Give it 10 years and meat will be banned and we'll all be eating insects to save the planet.

Meanwhile, in China...

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What am i looking at here


Your fortune: Average Luck

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>Meanwhile, in China...
The pollution in London is more toxic than the pollution in Beijing.
The rest of the modern world is using countries such as India and China as their cheap factories yet China has meanwhile become the world leader in green energy.
The UK will be remembered similar to the US, when it fades. As a parasite.
You lot deserve Brexit.

>aussie flag vehemently defending china
Hmmmm i wonder what nationality is behind this post


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They're not really naked though


Based eddie.
