Is 2 BTC enough to make it?

Is 2 BTC enough to make it?

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God I hope so. I have 2.5 BTC and 40 ETH

Can I have one of your ETH?

Will be worth 2 million eventually.

Send me 1 ETH and I’ll send you back 5

this made me sad

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What the fuck, don't do this to me

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Only if you throw it in shitcoins

on a long enough timeframe yes. It's difficult to hold btc and not be tempted by alts though.

sent ;)

Guys is 35 BTC enough to make it?

Memes are the only art left.

this meme hit me right in the fucking feels

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No you need atleast 36.

Attached: Big Knees05.png (423x896, 37K)

user why

it's not fair

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it's Catholic propaganda, don't be sad.