White """women"""

>white """women"""

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whites are ugly as hell

Yeah that’s it I’m moving to Malaysia

i want a tall euro bf, white w*myn don't deserve them


asian woman looks like a plastic doll though.

post dick

>Using makeup
Why do incels with yellow fever do this?

visa first


la howla walaa kouwata illa billah

I love white women.

Now white girls of Jow Forums, give me likes!

Attached: white roasties age.jpg (1280x822, 253K)

From boy to man
What a story Mark!

Southern European women age just fine, so do men. What is wrong with whites?

well at least they are women, unlike that piece of plastic by her side

dude what

Suddenly, I understand why white qomen hates asians so much. It's jealousy.

>I understand why white qomen hates asians so much
lol no they dont. Alt-righters do hate white women though

holy fucking based

> be Swedish minister
> 38 years old
> fucked up hippie hair
> great genetics otherwise

the irony

Attached: 23.jpg (1600x900, 479K)

>muh based white wimminz

Attached: EC04D995-6EA3-4BA0-B021-45E720E1EBB4.jpg (749x515, 100K)

It's like her forehead is growing not just a receding hairline

right on cue. Le white wimmin fuck minorities myth.

Yes they do. You wouldn't believe the amount of seeth I hear from white girls at work.

It does seem like that is a thing

Alt-traducks worship white roasties and post cringy wheatfield memes all the time


Attached: 549a6ce3bd67c_-_hbz-emily-blunt-promo[1].jpg (1200x600, 68K)


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I hear more whining from asian women about white women than the other way around.

Exact opposite actually. Alt-righters blame white women for refusing to sleep with them and cope with it through their fantasies of being fetishized by asian women.

Attached: alt right asian fetish.jpg (1111x1200, 128K)

>posting the New York times as a credible source
Oh, you're trolling. Silly me.

I'm sure your personal racial fetish is a more credible source

They are stupid enough to tan,
despite having no melanin
=causes wrinkles that they look over 40 at 25


That can't be real

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>Audrea lim
Bitch got bleached and realized the dude who fucked her was a conservative and pieced the fuck out and she tried to rationalize it as him being an alt right nazi with a fetish for her lmao


only her skin
her face is too small for her head

fuck nigga bitch
