States you've been to

States you've been to.

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Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Florida


I've been to more than you.

Derp, I meant to.

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>been to the NE and Midwest
>been to Virginia
>not been to WV, Maryland, or Delaware

cool, thanks for filling this map out for me

Not very many, unfortunately

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Born in Kentucky
Live in Virginia
Been to California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington (state and DC), West Virginia

OP here. I went on a road trip with my friend from California to New Jersey. I went to DC on an unrelated trip and came through Virginia.

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What's it like all the way down there?😾

All except Hawaii and New England

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Of all the states, why Idaho and Montana?

If you added Texas, that'd be the "the four states Europeans remember."

good not so bad im hispanic but the KKK dont bother me they only hate black people infact we use to throw garage parties for white people that hated blacks

problem? atleast i got a spooky

I'm guessing they are the most popular for foreign tourists as well

Because I live in Alberta and Montana is our soulmate. Also just happened to be near the border with Idaho and felt like dropping by.

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Alberta is based

Consider your post liked

i have literally never left the midwest

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Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

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no need to. coasties are designated shitskin storage states

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Many of these I only really passed through

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