/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

Whats wrong with opossums edition

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last thread was archived idk why

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hey hinds


i never unlocked spookie. sad.

is janny being prissy again

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it's past midnight, why are they Like!s still up.

>hate Russia
>hate Russians
>5/7 of my girlfriends have been Russian or Russian-American
>explicitly swear to myself that I will not date any more Russians
>this is not a difficult task as I am in America where there are not very many Russians
>despite this, am currently talking to a Russian girl
what did I mean by this?

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>"open" carry
>"why yes, I do have a small penis, and I want everyone to know"

Open carry would be cool if it wasn't some fat guy in cargo shorts and a baseball cap 90% of the time


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The federalists have brainwashed you into hating Russians. Slav women are good too.

slavs arent white

Most Russians are either drunken idiots if poor, or tasteless assholes with organized crime connections if rich. The middle class is the only good portion of the population and it's tiny.

i want the fucking skeletons

oh great what the hell

>9 points

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is that so🦍

Howdy boys

Your fortune: Good Luck



>send out mass applications to random shit
>get an interview for a manager job at a jewelry store that I'm completely unqualified for
guess I'm doing that then

that shit is like 21 dollars an hour here
dont blow it


Sounds like a Jewerly trick

And this too

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Why yes I save Dixie from the 404 on a daily basis, how did you know🐸

Throwback to that time I was in a car

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Thinkin bout when I was on a train

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'Membering being on a plane

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Did I ever mention riding a BOAT

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Just now recalled there was helicopter too
Also bump

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based travelling poster from Herault, France keeping the thread alive

do we still have likes?? what the heck?

The snow is too shitty for me to go out and ski

Sometimes simply falling down the hill can be just as fun

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what causes sheep to have little nubby tails?

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But the hill is several kilometers tall

Well would you look at the clock
It says toil again

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thinking about the good qualities of the spanish mastiff rn

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Thinking about my stiff

Thinkin bout thos beans

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thinking about Jefferson

I often think about him.

thinkin bout the destruction of TJ's vision


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thinkin bout bikes

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thinkin bout black Southern nationalists


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War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president


dangit, usi, i`m on another list now.

>he clicked it

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Russian people are based. Russian glowies and politicians are cringe and oligarch-pilled.

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I wouldn't worry about it
only one of my 7 proxies got listed, the rest are safe

actually nvm, i was probably already on that list anyway

maryland's flag is shit and so are you for liking it

Nice opossum