Did you know Tenno read a letter of apology???

Did you know Tenno read a letter of apology???

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only the strong can apologize, the weak can only beg

I was really good not to be born in Korea.

>believing in reincarnation


this guy is a japanese pretending to be korean

The Japanese do not use our emperor as a source of jokes.

For what? To who? When?

so true, and only weakshits keep demanding apologies forever.
america doesn't demand an apology from japan for pearl harbor, because they defeated japan and don't need catharsis.
japan doesn't demand an apology from america for nukes, because we did pearl harbor and rampaged through asia, nor do we do from mongol, china and korea for old invasions, because we crushed them. no need for catharsis either.
major euro powers don't need apologies, because historically they have been evenly matched.
even china, despite having lost tens of millions to japan, doesn't, because at least they know what treaty is and they think they overcame japan.

only korea, the eternal underdog of east asia, has an obsession with apology and a twisted sense of pride in gaining apologies which were made in the context of political correctness of the postwar world despite them contributing nothing to construction of it. they were given their independence on a plate as a result of ww2, and yet they delude themselves into believing they got an apology because they were powerful. that's really pathetic.

>japan doesn't demand an apology from america for nukes
weird, last time i checked japs really whent mad when trump said "remember pearl harbor"

Don't be their opponent.

What are that Korean newscastor saying?


you gotta know words like "remember pearl harbor" and "kamikaze" are so classic even seen in japan-america sports matches (they often use it when japan win, like "fucccck!!! remember pearl harbor!!!"), we are accustomed to it, not to mention that's not a demand for apology. it just shows pearl harbor was a significant event in american history.


but then why the fuck did japs get apeshit over trump on the internet..? and people actually wanting an apology for nukes? you know the ones im talking about

don't confuse some online weirdos with an actual national policy like korea's.

>some online weirdos
ye thast always your excuse,

Fuck J*ps

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I do not seek an apology for us.
We call for an apology for the innocents sacrificed at the atomic bomb 、and for the United States to recognize that genocide is evil for whatever reason.
For future world peace.
You are just a Extortion.

>w-we dont need an apology, its for weaklings!
>b-but do apologize for genocide tho, i-its bad!
i rest my case

I hope Japan rapes your country again

good, then we can make them apologize more and get more of that extortion money

You are korean zainichi

I hope you give Japan the mushrooms again~!

You are weeaboo

Your country is overrun with chinks

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Koreans can not speak properly.

Taco Uno dos tres meixco chi mutt

wew is this the infamous aussie bant

It's not their fault, they are born weak and stupid. That's why they can never defend against Japanese invasions.

I know you're sure to do that. You always always always want apologies more and getting more of that extortion money, lol.

can't prostitute properly either, it seems.
they make pretty statues claiming rape.


blame your goverment for being a cuck nipshit


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Insects.You don't know what civility is?

Become a respected person from others.

> apologize more
> apologize apologize apologize
> give me more of that extortion money
> give me money!
I know it's your culture, lol. Blame your moon and government for being an under of the best Korea, lol

hate east Asians on Jow Forums 2bh

? but i like my extortion money why the fuck would i blame anyone? did you pass basic reading comprehension?

why do gooks have such a MASSIVE inferiority complex towards japan, and why is it that only apologies from japan can relieve their soul (if any)?

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yeah, you love your extortion money even if it's wrong judgment or by some scams, that's the shame.
By the way, you like your Moon and the best Korea?

sorry i dont give a fuck about jap opinions so i feel no shame
moon can fuck him self and NK can fuck it self too, along with china and japan, all you can suck a bag of dicks

You are zainichi
You are netuyo

How about blaming 李完用 이완용 and other international countries like America England Russia that admitted that "Japanese annexation of Korea" Your old Korea actually asked Japan to annex your Korea.

>moon can fuck him self and NK can fuck it self too
That would make better S. Korea, I agree though. You need to make your country strong not by stupid ways but by your decent ways.

u mad bro

if heads, worst korea conquers japan and builds a boba-export colony among the ruins

if tails, japan enslaves the entire race of comfort koreans and sells them to yemenCoin Flip: Tails

wowCoin Flip: Tails

Amaterasu has spoken🐶

>be korea
>has nothing to apologize for because it's been too shit and weak to do anything to powers around it and has always been raped and dominated by them, except maybe for warcrime in vietnam they committed on the coattails of the US army

woahhhh, i'm so jealous of korea lmao

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then show me ur dick, so I can suck it

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Why won't you two just kiss? I can feel the sexual tension between you two all the way from here

>can do nothing but post a collage
>h-hhhh-hey, y-yyyyy you're m mmmmm-m monkey
Hahaha, finally you did so, you should have kept showing "you're alright", LMAO

they aren't two though

Italians are talking about sex and napolitan.

Even better

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chad poster



Korea will die early

itt: cringe