What is Taiwan like?

What is Taiwan like?

Attached: taiwan-nightlife.jpg.jpg (1600x900, 406K)

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Like Japan but 10 years ago and the future looks bleak.

Rightful PRC clay. Now that the US is losing influence they can no longer meddle in the issue. Reunification will happen sooner rather than later, and by force if necessary.

Why? Ageing population? China taking over it?

imagine a country of han chinese people that speak mandarin but are culturally a mix of japan, pre 1949 china, and 1950s america.

cheap to travel and decent but gets boring after 7 days

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It seems to be suffering a heavy identity crisis

Please go.
The countryside in Taiwan is very good.

it's bloody peng

Taipei is a shithole.

It's not. Piss off.

Like a place where you can't get laid through Tinder

Taiwanese and Koreans are Japanese and you can do nothing about it

it unironically kinda is, youd know this if you been there your self
atleast its a clean shithole

Ok it's kind of a shithole but it still has charm

Like this:

>mobile strippers
wtf i love taiwan now

They also have funeral strippers.

Attached: taiwanese stripper funeral.jpg (319x480, 52K)

l want to fondle 臺灣 chan (politically and diplomatically)

what do you want to know?

explain this to me

I’m a gook, it’s difficult for me to give you an accurate explanation so you might as well ask taiwananon above you

Is most of the island urbanized? It seems like just one big city from an outside perspective.

40 you mean?

most of the western part is, and our urban population is 78.2%,
eastern part remain low developed for environment protection

Taiwan is cute :3

Looks pretty cool 2bh would like to visit one day

Attached: Taiwan.jpg (3780x2523, 3.73M)

Historical, cultural, and kind

Attached: 800px-台北市艋舺龍山寺-640x426.jpg (640x426, 96K)

It has more in common with South Korea and Japan culturally than it does mainland China.

Porn is illegal there but the culture is fairly degenerate as demonstrates.

I totally want that when I die.

Its part of cina

how often do you creepshot in the train?

i somehow doubt that, but they are as free as SK and Japan unlike PRC


i never do that

Japan is like Japan 10 years ago

Better than revolutionary China

Very nice and beautiful but sad because they have literally no future because of 0 birth rate, dropping investment, and Papa PRC next door

I doubt the PRC could ever successfully invade without a pointlessly bloody struggle
Chinese people on the mainland don’t even dislike Taiwanese anyway so I doubt they would enjoy mass slaughter of their Chinese fellows (but who knows)
I think re unification will and ought to be peaceful or else it means nothing

We have funeral strippers here too
Also funeral gays/trannies
It’s a Buddhist thing


really makes me think

That was great though
Very exciting and dynamic time when a man could make a difference
Not like today where China is full to the brim with parasitic GIGABoomers
