based black edition
April fools gimmick was pretty shit this year tbqh
cheeky prank for the roommate
you’re laying on the operations table and your surgeon enters the room, some dark jogaboo that got hired off his diploma from the university of bongobongo
what do you do?
how long did you do it for?
year and a half until I got a real job
quite liked it there really
Hope for the best anything else would be racist. Just look at that Scottish guy who got dragged through the papers as a horrible bigot just for asking to see a Scottish doctor, rather than some pajeet women.
Listen joe, I'd be doing 8 balls a day. A day joe rogan. That stuff is fuckin crazy
Lads this girl just sent me a picture of her baps
what do I respond with?
the gf sent me a kissy face emoji
what does this mean?
>I'm gay
Being neet must be depressing as fuck. The first month of job hunting after uni was great, loved all the free time. But as the months dragged on I got more and more miserable, my sleeping pattern fit really fucked up and I just had no motivation to do anything.
Probably the most depressed I’ve ever been, don’t know how neets do it.
Why is /brit/ so slow today?
ashamed scorelets
I'm the only poster on /brit/
Remainers:"W-Why did Farage fuck off after the Brexit referendum?"
Also Remainers: "W-Why is Farage always on the TV?"
not everyone lives an uninteresting life like you mate or has no hobbies.
Massively hungover lads
everyone was probably up all night getting likes or maybe toilberg got them all
>trying to arrange a date with someone
>they say they have a 9pm curfew (despite being 20 years old??) and cant do weekends
>figure out a plan anyway
>they suddenly cancel because they got "too anxious" and ask to keep texting instead
>even though they are the worst texter ever and only ever send me shitty discord memes in lieu of conversation
for fucks sake lads
why are the cutest ones always the most autistic
My scores only 18 I’m not ashamed of it.
Some reason mine got wiped
drink some coconut milk and put a pinch of salt in it
works great
toil is pretty shit too though
Doesn’t sound that into you tbqh, besides women who can’t hold a conversation are not worth the effort even if they are hot.
blog on
fuck off bender
Full English with a big mug of tea is the best hangover cure
Every neet in know just sits around on their computer or games console all day smoking weed
Liquor store opens in about an hour so I'll just push through it until then
what a bizzaro world we live in🦖
probably reflects on your social circle and intellect desu. a neet I know, for instance, runs a film club everyweek and does volunteer work for something
and what do you do at your job?
great shitstain🏀
I enjoy the free time I do have a lot more though, plus I like having money to do stuff
>He doesn't recognize Henry's blog posts
hope for the best
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
the undisputed best hangover cure is 2 double cheeseburgers, fries and a flat white from mcdonalds
nigger willies🦖
That’s the exception not the rule. You and I both know the majority of neets do fuck all except waste thier time on pointless entertainment.
>flat white
What is a flat white?
I remember reading some story where a black doctor here broke someones rib when trying to do something that should have been simple
i dont know many neets mate. if you're talking about some lowiq council estate person who has left school sinmce 16 and lived at home then I dont know anyone like that bc it's so far removed from my life. as far as i'm concerned the average person neet or not has a grim af life
Sit at a computer all day
just found out the gf doesn't drink coffee
might bin her
its a shot of espresso and steamed milk
Is this the only thing communists ever built that didn't collapse?
Brian Harvey is dead, lads.
Not that uncommon a lot of these third world medical degrees are just that, third world standard.
oxford bender
he's the gayest lad in history
exactly lol
NEETs and toilers are both delusional
rumblings right below the coccyx
here it comes♨️
>looking at houses
>see pic. related
girl at toil has just broken up with her bf
i'm playing that broken heart playlist on spotify to try and cheer her up
What a fat greasy slob, should be hung up for being so indecent
post your bedroom chief
This still gets me years later. The sound he makes...
I think that room is coming on to you
this room is so me
Ah yes, the retards and their cheap wall stickers.
At least I get paid for it though, plus toilberg is pretty generous at my job, get 33 paid days off a year, all bank holidays and two weeks off over Christmas.
give her my number, that will cheer her up🖤
needs a “not all those who wander are lost” sign somewhere
now ain't that just quacking crazy!?
who is your empire-fu this is mine she is my girlfriend too
what do you do with the money? presumably neet has money coming in as well to survive. neet vs toiler is a retarded argument anyway because most people in both catagories have pathetic uninteresting lives.
>average person neet or not has a grim life
Only if you make bad decisions I don’t even get paid much but I’m pretty content.
i just don't understand how you consider NEET life miserable and dull but your work life upstanding and worthwhile
trying to hard
lmao state of this mong
women don’t belong in the military✔️
Going to build London in my Sim city
I have downloaded a lot of landmarks for the city as well as other buildings
what are some key elements I have to have and include in this build?
Also where do normal people live in London?
god you sound like a twat
it's great your content but that doesn't mean you don't (or at least I don't think) have a grim life tho. The fact you are shitposting with me on brit at midday suggests to me that your life isn't that great desu.
Not much room to do the Riverdance tbf.
Same pal
lot of knife bins and mosques haha
i could probably outperform her on the basic military fitness test and i could probably beat her up and rape her, and I haven't worked out in like 5 years
no need to get salty now lad
Why is he talking like a London nigger?
Sounds like a monumental task of autism.
Your cities seem to have a very hard divide between inner city and empty green space, which isn't really the norm at all.
Put most of it in my savings but I at least have the money to do any activities that do arise. I’ve got friends living in cities all over the country so I often go visit them at weekends. I also enjoy having the money to go on nights out.
fuck off you autistic freak
you need to work on your tone, sweetheart
Uh m8 I think someone shat on the bed
that's not how a 'london nigger' would sound at all. He's just from the South-East and lower class..
there are also neets from money or who get enough money from the government that they can do all that shit too.
t. known both who were spending more money than we were becaus ethey went out during the week and did stuf fas well as at the wekeends
'travel' people annoy me now. they love namedropping every irrelevant place they've been as if it makes them worldly and cultured.