Does he have an educated opinion regarding crypto and if so what is it?

Does he have an educated opinion regarding crypto and if so what is it?

Attached: 220px-Donald_Trump_official_portrait.jpg (220x279, 19K)

buy trumpcoin

The NSA invented crypto so he doesn't really have to say anything about it. They're in absolute control of it.

>does he have an educated **
lolwut. Go back to pol, brainlet.

Attached: pajeet_future.gif (480x480, 1.91M)

>pulls conspiracy tier statements out of his ass

you must be very knowledgeable user. tell me more

>places sanctions on venezuela's crypto
>makes every crypto transaction a taxable event while passing his middle-class tax cuts

He knows about it. Probably doesn't want ya pinheads to waste ya momma's money speculating on worthless internet money.

Somehow I doubt it.

"Rkg best crypto currency"
He said that am pretty sure

Attached: illust_67501631_20180721_202906.jpg (1000x726, 357K)

Property billionaire, degree in economics, son good with the cyber, won election due in part to Jow Forums shitposting. He has an opinion

He bought condos in Russia with bitcoin. You think you are smarter than the Trump?

>Degree in economics
A bachelors


Attached: trumponbitcoin.png (632x374, 62K)

He worked with Craig Wright

depends on what the kikes want

Bitcoin is very good. It is the best cryptocurrency. I know good cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is the best cryptocurrency. Say it with me, bitcoin is the best cryptocurrency.

He hates the FED, so he must like crypto

Bcash isn't bitcoin cheetohface.

he's satoshi.

Bcash was created for the purpose of taking advantage of the united states


>educated opinion
pick one

Hello plebbit.

1000$ EOY

Not a valid argument. Try again

says the rthedonald refugee

He has property, he doesn't need crypto.

Why a fucking boomer would know about crypto.

Fuck off back to wherever the fuck you came from with your obvious invasion. You niggers are the most blatant people on the planet.

>Jow Forumsfag wants to talk about "obvious invasions"

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Soros is richer