Americans really do this?

Americans really do this?

Attached: trumpsupporters.jpg (974x1322, 452K)

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This art is fucking awful.

thousands of people died in andersonville for this shit

Go on...

is that keemstar???????


is this the black girl fantasy?


Attached: 1552431119627.jpg (368x346, 25K)

>politics is hot


Personally, I read western porn comics for the comedic value.

My friend, why don't you come to the USA and see how we live for yourself.

Attached: MountRainier.jpg (1800x1200, 1001K)

oh god oh fuck in fukcing cuming

Attached: B63FACD8CFA34B3C88124338B5F26F08.jpg (563x651, 226K)

Other than his face on panel 2 and his stance on 3 I see no major issues.

need source btw

Attached: walmart-fortune-5001.jpg (2880x1620, 1.88M)

The Russian Hacker is right, this artistic novel is of poor taste.

This coming was actually commissioned by the Kremlin and drawn by chief russian troll-komisar Viktor Ivanovich Medvedev with the aim of furthering racial tension in the USA
This is top-secret information, i am risking my life by telling you this

post the rest

I like watching you tube videos of people grocery shopping at walmart in america so I can feel better about myself

The only western guy whose comics are pretty good is melkor


Everything looks like its made of rubber. Especially the people.