Swamp Britain

Swamp Britain

Attached: holanda.jpg (620x404, 70K)

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North Africa

Attached: Map_Iberian_Peninsula_750-en.svg.png (220x153, 18K)

they’re more like new jerseyians who speak broken german

sounds more like broken english to me
whenever i accidentally stumble upon a video in dutch i wonder "what a wierd thick british accent" before i realize what it is

Attached: 99e.jpg_large.jpg (1171x603, 113K)

This has happened a few times to me as well.
With simple sentences it just sounds like the same language, for instance, "I want a brown cow".

Muslim Greece

Attached: turkey-map.gif (1000x646, 289K)

Diet USA

Attached: Canada.png (1000x871, 251K)

Budget Japan

Attached: 500px-South_Korea_location_map.svg.png (500x472, 71K)

>Diet USA
They're pretty fat too desu

Australia DLC

Attached: map_of_new-zealand.jpg (466x350, 28K)

I thought he meant it's the country for those that can't handle USA Classic


German Spain

Attached: France.png (1240x916, 130K)

>I thought he meant it's the country for those that can't handle USA Classic
What would be USA Extra then? Brazil?

Hold the fuck up

yea the english obviously come from northwestern germany
where they speak exactly like the english

base et rougepilule



Attached: Greece-Europe.jpg (843x690, 153K)

Groeg :D


Attached: df1.jpg (680x707, 46K)

Pow Grek :DDD


Attached: bela_lugosi2a.jpg (432x597, 146K)

That would be Taiwan

Fucking norwayans

central africa

Attached: central africa.jpg (474x474, 27K)

>all those meme names for Greece in the Caucasus
The fuck
