Help me Jow Forums my bitch is making purchases w our stack and lying about it

Help me Jow Forums my bitch is making purchases w our stack and lying about it.
>crypto stash mysteriously smaller by 20 ltc
>she blames it on market drop
>actually thinks I cant tell the difference

she's hiding the purse somewhere in this apt.

Attached: 1529902825051.png (734x1117, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What do you mean "our" stack?

Kill yourself

2k on a purse?

Bye Felicia


protip: she's not your bitch

you are the beta bux provider


>larping this bad
you sound like a virgin user

you deserve to lose everything


The larp continues.

I love these larp threads. Don't take this away from me!

Continue OP.

>dont pretend i don't know you sold ltc this low, i will forgive you this time but dont sell our stack this low please, ok bby? love u

>giving a woman access to your digital bearer assets
this has to be bait

>generate a fake text conversation
>crop out evidence
>seek attention from strangers
Imagine being this much of a pathetic loser

Lol seriously

>a roastie normie figured out how to liquidate an altcoin to fiat all on her own so she could buy a purse
it's pottery

Attached: yikes.gif (680x499, 1.64M)

You deserve the upcoming roast lad...

d fuck is she doing with your keys???
you cuck

This, faggot OP deserves it.


likely larp but if not i hope she goes to buy cigarettes from the store one day and you never see her or her purse again

Whew, sure is summer here.

if this is real you need to kys
if this is fake you need to kys


Attached: DiK7qYGU8AAiiS5.jpg (1200x1130, 203K)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, glad I am not this cucked.

Never gonna make it

Give up now

post her (or his) tits with timestamp or you're larping

larp incel thread


Fairy Tales is how we learn.

she refuses to accept any responsibility or even admit she did it

Attached: 1521726330610.png (715x1062, 119K)

>my bitch
the only bitch here is you son

I'm convinced these threads are just you responding to yourself and that is fucking pathetic.

larp cringe

why the fuck does your bitch even know about your crypto?
