Developing an app with no experience

Hey biz I have an idea for an app and I've had it for awhile. It seems pretty viable because the competition is lackluster and I think I have a small idea that would give me an edge over the rest. Does anyone have experience with app development? Any ideas where to start to make one from scratch? I literally know nothing about making one.
Also general entrepreneur/passive income thread

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>do you need shared access to data across users
>do you need to store data
>do you need to protect data
>do you need to support high load of users
>do you need to support cross use (ios & android)
if two or more of those answers was yes, you're already in the hole for 200k us

Ugh when people talk about their great ideas but have no knowledge of the industry their proposing to shake up. OP, this is like saying “hey guys I have an idea for a new medication, seems like a great idea because their isn’t a pill like this yet, however, I’m not a pharmacologist, wat do?”

>if two or more of those answers was yes, you're already in the hole for 200k us

What if I can do every aspect of the technical work myself?

Well then it’s free

then you are probably down 200k in education already is so it's fine

>idea guy

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You gotta start somewhere. I'm sure there are people like me who had an idea but no knowledge and became successful.

>only 200k us
So he’s hiring Indians?

if you want to learn how to code just start watching youtube tutorials (it's a long and hard way buy after a couple of years you'll be really good) thats what i did

if you don't want to learn how to code then well you need to be a good salesman or you're outta luck

learn how to code, obviously. start with classes on udacity or coursera or something, some focus on app development for android / iOS.

if you can make it that far and are actually able to program the core functionality in your app, then you have to start worrying about deployment and scaling which you'll more than likely have to put down money for. A permanent licence on the google play store is ~$20, and for iOS app store it's like ~$100 a year. If you're storing user data or any kind of data, you'll need to invest in AWS / Google Cloud / Microsoft Azure servers which charge you per hour or per second depending on the service and amount of resources you effectively rent.

I am def down to learn how to code and study each day to make it work. Plus it would be just a good skill to learn or at least that's the biggest Jow Forums meme these days "learn to code"

>shitting up 4chink instead of just starting to work on his decade long skill backlog in the field
definitely going to make it

Thanks for the info I will save it for future reference. How are so many shitty apps and app clones in Google play store profitable if they have to pay to keep them up? Is it ad revenue?

>I'm sure there are people like me who had an idea but no knowledge and became successful.
The few that have didn't post on Jow Forums about it, probably.

If you're being completely serious you'd already looked up some beginner guide and would be following that. Try to get your hands dirty on some stupid simple project first.

>that's the biggest Jow Forums meme these days "learn to code"

yes then you will learn how to code and so will everyone else so it will become useless, like knowing how to speak English

Yeah im sure the 20 link shill threads and shitposting is more appealing to you. Why even enter a thread you don't like?

I'm a developer OP, what's your idea? I might be willing to help you in exchange for very large profit share. We can communicate via email if you prefer

it seemed promising until you dropped the neet spaghetti of knowing the path but being unwilling to simply take it

i'm happy to hear that

let me tell you the most important thing imo

If anyone would tell you how much work you'll have to do it would completely demolish your motivation

you have to incrementally learn every day and just move towards what you want to achieve

I haven't made it yet (or else i wouldn't be on this board duh) but this strategy has suited me well so far

and this just go and start somewhere theres no magic advice that will change your life

good luck (btw: it's really hard)

Posting on biz there is a small chance that I would get some type of honest insight from someone willing to point me in the right direction or has had a similar experience. That's why I come to this website. Of course it doesn't mean I won't do my own research. I've had genuinely great people sharing things in the non crypto threads.

hey faggot, see:

OP I will do all the work for you in exchange for 1% of the future profits

I'm not neet I'm a wagie. If my thread has no value to you, why reply at all?

>actual professional paid full time developer replies to him
>ignores them

yeah, sounds like you really want help user

I'm unironically just probing your character. And right about now you should be googling why your for loop produces an index out of bounds exception instead of shitposting.
If you were sincere about reaching this goal, of course.

I am kind of piston while out walking around so sorry I haven't been replying extra fast

don't help him, the field is saturated enough as it is

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everyone can write bad code. If you're good the field is wide open

you're not as special as you think

Not sure what any of that means desu. I came up with this idea awhile ago and started doing some research. It was supposed to be fairly simple app that would use gps to compare prices of items using the stores around you. you would type it in and see where the item was the cheapest. I recently found an app that was very close to my idea but focuses more on using the stores weekly ads. There are also many qr code scan apps as well. Sorry for not replying so quickly I'm outside doing errands

yes, ad revenue or micro-transactions or paid apps. i put out a garbage meme app on the play store and out of some stroke of luck it's managed to get ~5k downloads and $120 or so in ad revenue over the course of I think a year or two now. considering I expected a solid $0, I'm okay with that.

you'd be surprised how much just a person seeing an ad on their screen can give you (a few cents), let alone click on it. that's why higher-traffic apps manage to make so much.

this isn't really feasible user, sorry

most stores probably don't tell you the local price of each individual item in their webservices, if they tell you at all.

you could try scraping their website I suppose but those are subject to constant change.

you would probably have to have direct database access to each company and their skus/pricing for each location.

how much do gaming apps make? I see kids everywhere playing all these stupid games its crazy

That's interesting maybe making those types of apps would be good practice to make. Can I ask what exactly the apps are that you made? Apparently my idea is shite.

they're not as easy to make as you might think

they take a huge amount of time

the design or the development? I can imagine creating all that content demands huge resources.

and also getting a constant stream of new users playing the game probably as well. If anyone has any experience in doing this I would be happy to read more. are there good forums for gaming app creators?

I've done it

Finished the game and my game theory sort of sucked. It wasn't very fun so I didn't release it.

You have to decide if you want 2D or 3D

There is software to do this but then you are clicking a million drop downs to configure some big project that you hope works once you're all done. It's a bit ridiculous and in my opinion - better to develop from scratch.

There's a lot that goes into it. Background images, character images, character animation images, effect images, sound bytes, menu images, help pages, button images, etc.

If you are doing 2D, you have to define triangles for each character. Some characters can have hundreds of triangles. So you need these coordinates and they have to be normalized to a certain type of coordinate system. Then you have to move these triangles with each frame animation. And you have to also calculate to see if any of these triangles intersect with triangles of other characters. Then you have to play sounds and add user interaction to these. Then you have add the ability for characters to interact with other objects and update things such as score, or special abilities (more animation, more images, more sound).

All that is good and fun, but the actual theory of the game and making it fun while not making it like every other game out there is more difficult IMO.

It's a big time consuming project. But if your game is good you can make a lot of money.

enough to make you regret whatever you're doing right now. for reference (and as an extreme example), clash of clans probably makes at least $200k daily - their revenue for 2017 was reported at $2 billion in 2017.

i've only put out one app, and it was that. if you're honestly curious look up "nut button" on the play store - it's the one with 4.4 stars, 5k downloads. feel free to dox me, etc. I'll also be putting out a game I've been working on within a couple of months unless someone actually decides to respond to my job applications. I recommend starting with small things like that, or small games that don't necessarily need servers or anything just to get your feet wet.

There's no shortage of zero skill "ideas guys" and they make great wage slaves

I make those, it is profitable but a huge invest and risk. I would say there is a 1to10 chance that you will break even, so be prepared for a nearly guaranteed loss, even if you have a quality game.Marketing is very important. If you have no passion for game dev, do not even think about it.This is also very true

just put it out there man, you never know

awesome thank you! I work in marketing and only know that inApp traffic has a huge amount of fraud, because the ad is executed in a kind of sandbox (app) environment and it is very hard if not impossible to filter. so I was thinking about creating a semi successful app with lots of video ads to play the other side of the market. thanks for all the answers! appreciate it

Im not going to dox you or anything. Ill look it up. Just interested in what is possible to make. I have some artistic skill and learning a new skill like coding and making apps/games is something id be interested in learning in my free time. Thanks for putting yourself out there.

Basically make apps which target whatever is currently trending, used to be the fidget spinner and right now Fortnite is the hottest shit.
You could make have an app that has all the Fortnite dance moves and will open up a video of how to do it on Youtube, this is just one example and you have to be creative in order to have a successful app.

How does one get ideas for apps? Creativitylet here, I can code well but I can't figure out anything to do. Would prefer making games but can't come up with idea. Anyone have any advice?

My advice would be to try and make connections with artists. I met some really good artists back a few years ago on r9k surprisingly and we all ended up adding each other on Skype and bouncing ideas off each other. Find artist communities or forums and just ask if they have ideas for games and samples of their work. Try and make friends with those types of people. Although it's just my opinion. Or something you enjoy wit like a weird spin on it? Like o always thought a cthulu mythos dating sim game would be pretty cool. There are communities out there who love monsters/xenos/aliens. You could look for a specific niche and make connections.

great artists steal

>find a successful app with little competition
>compete with them

play some games. Notice things that annoy you and correct them in an expansive way.

Hire a pajeet. Or hit me up, im sadly not a pajeet but we can share the profits if your idea is not completly worthless.reply if you want contacts.

Honestly OP. If you’ve never done coding I think you gotta find some funding or someone to code for you while you bring something else to the table.

I’ve got a great app idea, like I’m 100% certain it’s gonna work and in fact I’ve seen in first action how it is working on a much smaller scale though.

Problem is, coding is actually pretty fucking hard when it comes to instant messaging, gathering data with APIs and shit, constant updating. Most I could get to was build just a basic chat room, I was no where near what I really wanted. I’m gonna go back to uni this year and hopefully I can find a partner who can maybe do the project with me.

Phew good luck with that friendo, you need actual experience to know how not to fuck up something like this. And if you DO fuck up that will be a costly lesson. Theres a good reason why coders make so much money.

if you're still in this thread I'd love to work together

How many Stinkies will it cost to code my dating app idea

I would be down with working something up, I have a digicom major in the family that could help with some of the artwork as well

Ahh sorry my idea was shot down in the thread. Tried to link it in this post but it's not working for some reason. It was basically a price comparison app using gps but some user said it's not really feasible. I thought it was a good idea though. I'll just have to come up wit something else.

Branching off of OPs question. To all the devs, would you recommend getting into Android or IOS to begin with?

>i literally know nothing about making one
>what if i do all the technical work myself?
Even i cant into networking like that yet, and my testnet bot is at 7.8x ROE rn

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I think that was a different user. I was the op that knew nothing about makin an app.

this is true.
what you could do is to ask the users to enter prices, and other users to confirm them. that's require a relatively high number of users to start.
I guess you could use a ready-made webapp for the web part, but I have no idea if that or a similar thing exists