This guy is fucking crazy, but if youre betting against him youre fucking stupid

This guy is fucking crazy, but if youre betting against him youre fucking stupid

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This guy should be Jow Forums fucking role model. He got some fucking issues, but he literally made billions of nothing. Years from now hollywood movies about crypto will be blockbusters (similar to the wolf of wallstreet) with fake satoshi as the protagonist.

He's one of the worlds most successful scammers Im sure he is a biz role model

hes going to shakeup the crypto world sooner or later

Did he harm anyone? Did he even taken money out of anyone's pocket? He is a huge fraud, but not a scammer. And the only fraud here is claiming to be satoshi, for which he will go down in the history books. Hate on him all you want, but this guy made it so hard. He put money on the table from digital gains for several generations of ahead.

pic related

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My first crypto role model. Why? Because core cucks can’t best him

who dis?

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Fake Satoshi

tell that to dave kleiman

> Our Guy

too soon

He's a typical sociopathic boomer. Literally nothing that he's saying will ever happen. Mark my words. He's going to exploit his workers to exhaustion and everyone will defect when they realize that all he says are pipe dreams.

>Literally nothing that he's saying will ever happen.

He made billions, BILLIONS with a B. Out of nothing but an idea.
Even if Bitcoin Cash fails, he will have made it past Jow Forums accumulative wildest expectations.

Lol, you moron, he doesn't have billions, he never proved that he's Satoshi. Wake up, you massive idiot. He just collected money for his new company from gullible investors who don't understand shit about crypto but believe he is Satoshi.

He's not satoshi, he still made billions. Been in crypto since 2013, stfu.


No proof, but I figure someone who owns a fucking island in Greece, private jets, hundreds of patents, dozen of companies, and is being sued for 5 billion; as a figure head of a 14b crypto currency. Definitely has at least 1000m of net worth to his name. That island alone costs 250m.

Just another snake oil salesman. History will not be kind to people like this.

What if I told you it's all fake.
