That feel when LINK is dumping and you and your girls are buying up weakhand bags

>that feel when LINK is dumping and you and your girls are buying up weakhand bags

Attached: sipandmilk.jpg (2419x1814, 1.51M)

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you're the user with the gold digger gf who bought a 2k purse?

> your girls
> literally cows

How do I get a farm and is it profitable?


Attached: 1514568635496.jpg (680x748, 86K)

july 30


Attached: 1520465008302.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

That looks comfy as fuck user

cows are friends not food

Attached: photo_2018-04-07_17-42-54 (4).jpg (1280x996, 212K)

that looks 100x better than being an office wagekek

farmers should form their own communities and make gold the only acceptable tender

Farming as of now is a terrible investment.

Not that hard, look for any farms for sale or lease near you.

A lot of old timers are dropping dead and the children don't want to run a farm so there should be a lot of options.

yeah the commies will just seize their means of production

>not using cow shit to fuel biomass generators to power your ASIC miners in your spare barn

Not gonna make it

I have a dairy farmer friend and boy does he get fucked over

Has access to raw milk
Drinks Monster

>still believing that cow milk is good/needed for humans
>wonders why het gets acne all over his body and face
>wonders why he pisses out of his ass on the toilet

How is being at peak survivability a terrible investment?

You mean biogas. You are right though, once farmers start integrating waste recovery and utilization tech they will be better off along with integrating other ecological aspects of production and management.

this unironically looks comfy as fuck. how much do you need to start a cow farm

Dat ass tho

I could launch an ICO for “Ponzicoin” and the bulls in crypto would swallow it up.