how can one resist alcohol, cigs and cocaine in life? i mean forreal now i been 7 days clean and life is boring as fuck. you sleep for 8 hours and lift for an hour or 2 a day and then do what?????

thats 14 fucking hours left. im getting insane urges right now to go to nearest pub ffs. im dying

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Other urls found in this thread:

get a hobby and some non alky friends you fucking roided loser.

that's every addiction man, I am addicted to soft drinks/chocolate and I have the exact same thoughts. How do you manage to go through an entire day without it? I mean I can manage 1-2 days if I know that I can get it again later. But quitting, meaning to NEVER get it again.. you just sit there in your chair thinking... okay, this is my life now. Every day. For hours and hours and hours.

what are yours shlomo

Video games and weed my friend. It's what keeps me from going the bad way.

i travel around asia and document punk rock bands, see shows almost every night, make documentaries, eat killer food, write, and take photos.

god damn i just want to pound the fuck into her

learn an instrument, second language, educate yourself on anything you find particularly interesting

OP is a weak minded beta soi boy faggot

sounds nice. wish i had such interests



Yeah, i wish i had the money

this might be it. i watched inu yasha recently but when a series is over you kinda get depressed about it. finding a new one which is as nice isnt that easy imo

You just gotta HODL

you literally can't think of anything to do for 14 hours that doesn't involve alcohol or drugs?

i'm sorry man, but you are hopeless.

Bro I feel this post. You can resist my friend. Look for love in other people and you'll understand why people don't throw their life away like that

You are a weak fuck OP. Go play some video games.

If that's a confirmed dude then fuck it I'm going gay. How the fuck do the traps look better than the real women? Are men even better at that?

Revert to Islam and seek the shelter of Allah SWT from the shaytan. If this is your mentality you are truly disturbed

Not a trap her porn name is lana rhoades

Leave this shit country.

Nothing you do will be as satisfying as living in a country where people value morals and always invite you to their homes.

Murica is not the place for a life

Just to collect USD

That's it

ya honestly i just gave in. i drink blaze and do lines now and then. it'll put me in an early grave and my body will deteriorate but honestly who gives a fuck.

Not this time

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this xD so true

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run fast
when your throat burns run faster
keep running for at least an hour
go home, eat, sleep.


this a meme user. i already lift hard

It means you're addicted

>comparing weightlifting to cardio

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I guess I'm just used to the boring normie life. What fun do you get from drugs though? Last night I got drunk as i will occasionally every month or so and all I think I did was get a bit annoying and reveal too much info to others about myself.

Idiots will be idiots

ur supposed to get involved in online culture memes and video games u aboslute chad normie

alcohol cigs and coke is ez to ignore
alcohol is for depressed individuals who hate their liver. smoke weed instead
cigs is for well that's a fair one. smoke weed instead.
coke is for people who think pretending to be some 80s hotshot Coke head will get them laid. it won't. smoke weed instead.

just smoke weed bro

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also drink some fucking tea
when I've tried to quit addictions before tea was a God send
heck even now when I drink a couple teas in the morning I have a mad buzz

We have a similar relationship with alcohol.

it's easy: don't do those things.

you won't get addicted if you never do them.

I can't explain it
but I see a sniffing wojak forming from the shade


do the ayahuasca

found the powerlifter

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> heck even now when I drink a couple teas in the morning I have a mad buzz

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I'm a anime poster and addicted to sugar. Every time I go visit my parents they throw all kind of sweets at me, like it is normal. No one cares at all if you are addicted to sugar, no one questions you if you drink coke. This and fapping have to be the easiest addictions ever, almost free and no one notices. Fapping takes a surprising amount of time sometimes tho.

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dude I literally drink three teas within an hour this morning and it feels like I'm very lightly stoned with a lot of energy

until I clicked on this thread I thought this was a dude with like a 6 pack with a chicks head photoshopped on. I didn't even click for the tits.

By not eating shit food

Take the organic food pill

I swear this is the dumbest fucking movie I've ever watched.

fucking crossposter

kys OP

>collect USD
Yeah fucking doing this kek

dont be a nigger

but you have to do hard drugs and drink all the time so that you ruin your organs user

I couldn't finish watching it

a Jow Forums post that isnt about crypto thank god

oh wait its not fucking Jow Forums related at all

5-htp + multivitamin + keep eating right and working out now and then

also, weed man lol

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>you sleep for 8 hours and lift for an hour or 2 a day and then do what
Get a fucking job you retarded faggot.
>Jow Forums

You can try the following time sinks
>Jow Forums
>Get a gf and spend hours arguing with her

oh cool thanks, I no longer have any addictions now that I fucking learned how to speak spanish