$7600 incoming

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>You mean

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My body is ready.

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testing 20k before EOY

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Yep. If 7600 breaks rapidly, we should see a large number of shorts close and push us towards 8k.

Here we go


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Opening a short boys. wish me luck.

top kek
thanks for the laugh user

G-golden Bullrun nao?

Its not happening, there is too much resistance. A failed pump is worse than no pump at all.

I really hope so brah. I crashed my parents car in a ditch last night and I really need to make $80 off this pump. Bless your hearts!


Easiest money I've ever made in my life lol

Hmm, guys...?

lol you opened your shorts a few seconds before drop right?
congrats user
how much did you make?


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about 1200. I don't have enough balls to use more leverage.

haha 1200 are not bad user
at least for me it's very much

so what did you see that made you think it was a good idea to short? i know volume has been suspect but if anything all i saw was a higher high in price and volume (relative to the last high in price). never would've thought to short here, it was also more than 100$ over 100 day ema

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I'm a really bad trader but even I wouldn't have opened a long there with that RSI on the 30min chart

I wouldn't go long there either, but yeah now I see the divergence across multiple time frames on RSI. not a bad call