*breathes in*
what the FUCK
M-my long with 100x leverage. It is all gone
It did the same thing only 3 days ago. fucking LMAO
*simpson’s theme begins to play*
You think you're funny? Do you truly believe we are going down? What makes you so unique that your bull senses clog up your judgement?
Give it 15 minutes and we'll see what happens.
looks like we'll be be back @ 7500 in the hour desu
calm down kiddo my pic puts things in to perspective.
looks like the last chance to buy before 7800
Market makers keep delaying the 7600-7800 range but every time it dumps the buying actually seems organic and steady
Bears are weak.
checked, the smallest red candle and these shorters are partying, their blood in on my bullish horns now, it's over for these bear cucks.
>BTC CRASHED 2% to the level where it was 12 hours ago, it's all ogre now, fuck you bears
Why not just go ahead and put in a nice, profitable short? There's no bulls around here, after all..
Still in higher high/higher low in daily.
ETH still in higher high/higher low pattern on hourly. BTC broke lower low on hourly by about 10 bucks.
Still looks mildly bullish for now with no key supports broken.
holy fuck bears are deluded
ITT: a bunch of babbies freaking out about a 1.5% drop.
What happened? Did your balls drop off?
be honest, did you FOMO in today, user?
>trendline blocks your path