Get out burger

leave this shithole before its too late

the state of biz ? you have none no life pussy ass bitches so how about you get some USD and travel fuck heads. get out while you still have some lead

left in your pencil.


and you wagecuck for his bills ?

modern day slavery

sorry biz

you will not make it

Attached: bizo69.png (1273x1193, 2.86M)

didn't he just get the brakes beaten off of him?

yea right after finishing his clip for fefe... which just released today

are you saying Americans should ditch America? I agree. this country is becoming shit.


I HOPE people realize whats going on

I travel and oh my is it different

People ask me why do burgers act this way

>so shameful

act what way? can you elaborate? I have my own observations about fellow Americans. interested to hear yours.

this country is fucked

born and raised

travelled since I was small now I have issues understanding the culture and what exactly happend for this place to turn into a dump. Food, people, hobbies, they are all artificial and lack any morals or interest in culture. Ubereats, Tinder, Kardashians How can a society be so disconneced from their own kind it leaves me dumbfounded. No government is perfect but all social classes were known to help each other, respect and UPHOLD standards so our future generation has something genuine to venerate. NOT AN ASSHAT with colorful hair

how does anyone think this will end ?

hint : its not good


this has allot to do with tech evolution which I understand has clear advantages but whatever happened with balancing it out ?

out the window clearly

just telling BIZ you will not find the mass luxuries this place has to offer in a 3rd world but what you gain is PRICELESS

I feel bad how people live and its due to lack of education or resources to travel but TRUST ME ON THIS ONE user, GOOGLE STATS, 1.CHEAPEST 2. SAFETY 3. AND SEXY WOMEN IF THATS YOUR THING

burgers cant make top 5 why kill yourself

where did you go??

Euro, America south only, Asia japan and others but few

The issue I want to express is very important because in the end this current system will not work

Before it collapsed (middle class) you could find any apartment/house for a pretty good price in a decent neighborhood. With so much spending coming from all over the world (fed bank bailout) they have turned into zombie homes (airbnb) and you lose a community that once had a bond. The middle class must resort to Uber to pay rent and now every car has that stupid decal WHICH SCREAMS I AM POOR !!!!!!!!!! How can a society allow themselves to be demonized? All the while Kylie Jenner makes Forbes list. Why you would raise children (YOU ARE LAZY AND SELFISH FOR BREEDING IN SUCH WASTELAND) with that mindset is beyond me. Kids grow up as losers because they don’t have a relationship with their parents (parents work long hours, women MUST WORK #metoo BS) they lack rapport with their community and communicate mostly in school and social media

Think of the impact all that crap has on our youth and then you wonder why maga has so many school shootings. 3rd world countries look up to America because of the opulence displayed on music videos and the artificial liberation that entails from so called American dream. Its false, and I say that because many will believe they have freedoms when you’re really a modern-day slave just look at the MAJORITY earnings from citizens and how they live versus the 1%. If you find the right place/country you CAN own a safe home and belong to a society, be part of something. You will never get it with burgers best chance now is buying an RV and that’s another thing that pisses me off when I see Jow Forums post stupid threads about how nice it is to live in a van.

Are you fuckn kidding me? even 3rd world countries don’t stoop to that level of shame, wtf? so having kids and a nice dinner is out of the question when living in a van? Give a break I can’t stand the injustice people go through and they think its fine or normal as though they have to settle for less. Biz has been good to me and I know anons are smart I just feel bad for those who go through wagecucking for years only to end up in a van getting kicked out or bunking in a rv. Its hearth wrenching and I’m telling you fellas, burgers are getting raped I know a scam when I see one. Euro west of the pacific, south America, google is your friend and remember you will find a SAFE AND CHEAP HOME

If you ever thought bullying was an issue you fuckheads made it worse with fake artificial Armenian sluts

Disgusting that a woman would rise to fame exposing herself the way she did. Think for a second you idiot what this place worships. Religion aside

You’re going to hell broke and miserable if you dont change now.

Enjoy your McDonalds

>born and raised

if you are really American why does the way you write seem so fucking weird and retarded, as if English isn't your native language? i'm getting a pajeet vibe from you

laguange perfectionist no

hated by a burger for no reason other than sharing information that could transform your life using statistics

the numbers exist google is your answer

same way you do it with crypto

least crime, cheap living, a culture with over 300 years


He types more like he's Chinese imo. Either way he clearly has mental issues

>laguange perfectionist no

no, not at all. it's just obvious you aren't a native english speaker when you claim to be "born and raised" in America. So where are you really from?

Nice try Rajeesh but you definitely weren't born here. If you are here legally then maybe we can still be friends.

looking out for fwens

Its unspeakable the manner in which you live

Slavery is no different

Sorry, I don’t speak nigger.

No I don’t have an extra cigarette either.