Question for all the amerimutts out there:
How does it feel to live in a developing country?
Question for all the amerimutts out there:
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you the expert on that one europoor
didn't you say in another thread you were in the hospital trying to day trade so you could afford your medication and healthcare?
Hows it feel to be under shariah law lmao
*gets left to die in Yurop because the doctors have decided you’re too high risk for a costly procedure*
How does it feel to get shot 10 times in the head by police because of public drinking?
Looks like someone is triggered
No idea, I'm not black.
The USA will turn into a South-Africa tier shithole in the next 100-150 years. Europe will turn into Eurabia.
The west has peaked. It's all downhill from here. If China keeps this ''we don't take shit mindset'' then they will rule in the period to come.
Unless the West literally genocides all of its brown people, you are correct, sadly.
How does the rest of the world feel having citizens with crooked teeth? That's so disgusting and poor. I feel bad for non-Americhads
Really bad, I paid 15,000 in taxes and there is trash and homeless people everywhere. The police have pulled me over 7 times in the last 2 years.
Fuck this place I am getting out ASAP
The vast majority of Americans can’t afford a dentist and their teeth are rotting out of their heads
Europoors are so obsessed. I will never understand. I guess that’s what you get when you live in the only country that matters. Meanwhile, I have no idea what shithole you live in and don’t care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Europoors can’t really afford anything, which is why everything has to be subsidized. A lifestyle of mediocrity and welfare.
>How does it feel to live in a developing country?
Breddy gud, most around me looks like a goblin so I get the best pussy and lax regulations let me scam a good amount of money to get out of this shithole in a few years.
The market will fix it
Dios mio el goblino!
If only you knew how bad it was.
I earn $250k/yr I could enslave your entire neighborhood poor faggot
Americans are absolutely deluded and there are literal paid US government shills on this board who try to keep up the morale, because fudding America is considered a matter of "national security"
USA won't exist in 100 years unless the brown people and Jews are removed.
you really think China can rule the world? They destroy their own country from their not 'taking shit' mindset and having 0 regulations or standards for anything they do.
I'm a US dentist and I make 250k a year lol
If we weren’t paying to protect you faggots we’d get free healthcare too. I hope to god trump recalls the entire navy and brings home all troops. I would give you primitive retards 12 months before all out war breaks out and the world is purged of all non American subhuman scum.
Even when plagued with niggers American is still better than all the europoor shithole counties
>los goblinos leave their bases in any foreign country
>said countries use their new position to unite against the degenerate goblinos
yeah not gonna happen
And I can't afford that... Seriously have a rotten tooth I can't afford to fix. Sucks man but nice pay I'm not mad