/esp/ (Ibe)

Edición Íbera.

Attached: Iberianpeninsula.png (1055x823, 1.7M)

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Do kids in Galicia, Asturias, learn their local dialects from birth and then learn Castillian at school?

Depends on the parents. My Parents speak Castillian but my Grandparents speak Galician.
I grew up knowing both but speaking Castillian and then everybody learns both in depth at School. Depends on the area you live in. Galician is not a dialect unlike Asturian. And Asturian is mostly dead.

What about cantabrian? Does navarra have a distinct dialect?

In Navarre it’s probably basque and I’m not aware that there is any big enough language in Cantabria.

>local dialects

Galician is a language. It's used by the administration, the galician government, universities, schools, tribunals, we have tvs and radios in galician.

Now if you ask if people learn the galician variety from their areas, yes we do. We say brother in two ways: irmán or irmáo (hermano in spanish). Another example, in my area instead of trouxeron (standard for they brought) we say trougueron (spanish trajeron).

Absolutely no idea. Other than Basque, Catalonian and Galician which are languages with institutions behind them and recognized as co-official in their respective communities all other dialects are pretty dead and only old people speak them because they aren't taught at school and the middle generation doesn't speak it because of repression during the dictatorship and social stigma.


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OK, is Galician close enough to Portuguese that either could be considered a dialect of the other?

I think they used to speak French in navarre. Have any of you been to pamplona?

Esp = Iberia
that is racist

They both come from the Same root, but they aren't dialects. They're languages that split off from a common post-roman root.
But I luv brotugal.

Your definition of dialect is skewed. If you go with that then all Romance languages are dialects of Latin but they're clearly not.

Northwestern Spain had two branches of the romance language. Galaico-portugués and astur-leonés. The first one splitted into eonaviego, galician and portugese. The second one splitted into asturian, leones and mirandese.

Thanks for the linguistic info guys.

Is there regional pride in the South and West about who produces the best jamon iberico?

Nobody speaks Asturian anymore, it's dead, we mix some specific words with castillian and that's it
At my high school nobody took Asturian class so they removed it

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That's sad.

hola moros

i think in asturias they dont teach asturian
in galicia we learn english, galician and spanish at school

And French.

extremadura is widely accepted to have the best ham i think
and asturias is the region with the best cow meat

>Best cow meat.
Ternera Gallega would have a word with you.

O Courel ....

>asturias is the region with the best cow meat

I was on a bus from Madrid to Salamanca and saw cattle grazing in woodland. Is that common in Spain? I've never seen that anywhere else.

Yes it's common.

OK. What do the big black bull cut-outs in the countryside signify?

The sub-saharan African colonization of Spanish women?

I'm the only one who likes Galician accent and their little mistakes mixing Galician with Spanish?

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Lads, do s*utherners really do this?
What the fuck.

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If you do the Córdoba-Madrid route you find a lot of these, i didn't know it wasn't common in the north.

I've seen those in Soria, it's not just a southern thing.

The furthest south I've ever been in my life was probably around Burgos.

>vai tomar por el culo

¿Te pone?

If my Grandfather's family is from Almeria why is he by far the whitest person in my family (blue eyes light hair very pale skin)?

home no se, igual pecha la ventana meu


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Because you actually think int memes are real

Que mi mai tas falando raposeiro

>extremadura is widely accepted to have the best ham i think

What about food in general? San Sebastian has a very good reputation and I'd like to visit.

Is oviedo worth visiting?

manda carallo o galego falandome

food culture varies a lot depending on region
Paella region is the east coast
best seafood is in the atlantic coast
Rioja is the wine region and Asturias is the cider region

Attached: Uniplaces-Food-Map-Spain-2017-431x500.jpg (431x500, 110K)

Last for Andorra

Depends, if Art is your main interest I would visit it, I like the pre-Romanesque art a lot, for example Santa Maria del Naranco and the cathedral's "camara Santa". For leisure I wouldn't touch that city, I would stay home. If you're planning to come to Asturias I also recommend going to Covadonga and the lakes.

Catalonia also has Panellets and Escalivada amb Pamtumaca (or just Pamtumaca as a sandwich addon) apart from that the rest of the food is absolute trash

Zalapastrán, fargallón, remendafaroles, non vuelvas mencionaime en tu existencia

>best seafood is in Madrid

I don't think I'd fancy a squid sandwich.

it's shit made for tourists, just like sangria

What the fuck?
It's just fried squid rings with batter, then you toss those in bread. It's great.

Honestly you can't go wrong the food of every region is pretty good.

Thx. I guess you mean the lakes in Parque Nacional de Los Picos de Europa.

nadie come bocadillo de calamares en Madrid salvo los provincianos
t. gato

Ay... No me puedo esperar a que se muera el viejo para postear esta imagen...
Uy, vaya, lo he vuelto a postear por segunda vez hoy y Beiras sigue vivo, jaja, que fallo!

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I'm not saying it's disgusting, I just don't think the textures of squid (battered or otherwise) and bread go together. I'd still try it though, with a bit of salad and lemon. Maybe some allioli on the side.

>Squid sandwich
Avoid El Brillante, it's a fucking scam

Redpill me on that?

I had hake in a backstreet Madrid cafe, was delicious.

No es que sea tan popular como el de tortilla o el de lomo u otros pero no es raro...
the guy has a pub in front of the main train station in Madrid and he is "popular" because that dish, it's a cheap dish in any other place, arround 2-3 euros and he charges arround 8 I think and nobody from Madrid goes there

Cheers to the dude for ripping off tour*sts lel.

It's just like the guy that charges 20 Euros for Chips and 2 eggs >> Casa Lucio. but there you can eat okish, just avoid that meme

>Asturias is the cider region
I didn't know Spain had cider. Is Asturian cider sold in the rest of the country?

Catalonian tortilla has garlic in it, right?

Yes, it's the most famous in the country and their whole traditional gimmick is based around cider.

En retrospectiva a algún caballero Castellano le valían más los espejos que el oro.

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Por qué hacen esto?

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Yo ahí solo veo nórdicos no se de que me hablas.

No lo dudo, pero por qué razón les gusta tanto levantar el brazo? Acaso están saludando a alguien?

Al rey de la nordicidad Íbera por supuesto, querido Jordi.

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I'm trying to learn spanish, any tips/suggestions?


>por qué razón les gusta tanto levantar el brazo
El saludo romano? es por el casting para Ben-Hur 2 Electric Boogaloo

>No lo dudo, pero por qué razón les gusta tanto levantar el brazo? Acaso están saludando a alguien?
Estan diciendole al bus que pare.

How hard can It be for an Italian?

Probably not much

The spoken part will be more aesy for you than the spoken, that's a bit different.

Trips of confusion.


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No bajes más de ahí, sólo empeora

Sí, ese.
Tampoco pensaba.

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>no pan con tomate for Catalonia

Ma impara tedesco, perché cavolo vuoi parlare spagnolo?


Why do Spanish people hate whites so much?

>No come eso exclusivamente substituyendo todas las comidas.
Do you even?


nobody hates the mutts aka half whiteis desu, so you can stay calm

que piensan de esto

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Creo que nunca estuve en tanta paz mental como desde cuando bloquée las banderas estadounidenses, pero tristemente por no perderme algunas respuestas que puedan tener cosas no relacionadas, aún veo sus posts si alguien les contesta.


Diría que las zonas con agua blanda son basadas pero luego Castilla y Madrid tiene agua blanda por lo cual quizás los basados son los mediterraneoides.


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En realidad solo añado un poco en los bocadillos y no siempre.

Realmente el único Español baseado.
>Cuando ves unos tontos pegándole a la Lejía pero los dejas.

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El Fary es la constante cultural Española.

He called you a negrata.