Latvia is the worst Baltic country

Latvia is the worst Baltic country

It doesn't even have any Nordic friend

Attached: baltic love.jpg (897x1000, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Duke_of_Urach

Eesti is super Mordic and we buy alcohol from Latvia

Latvia has Russia.

>he doesn't know that Åland islands have imported Latvian workers

Lithuania too! We even raided and traded with them! We were vikings as well!

Is Latvia only baltic country in the world?

That's like saying you have ebola.

You're not officially Nordic until you win gold at sailing in the Olympics

Does swimming count?

Having Sweden as an ally is worse than having nothing.

Lithuania has Poland
Latvia has Sweden

Fuck off, you can have Poland
We have Sweden
We never loved you Poland and cheated on you with Sweden

Attached: Swedish lithuanian love copy.png (524x376, 10K)

You can have Latvia *

Attached: wat.png (811x590, 184K)

Latvia is the best. Eesti is boring and lithuania is cringe.

Attached: latvia.jpg (1680x2000, 1.16M)


>Being such a shitty country that no one wants to go there
Such an achievement.
Meanwhile, Lithuania and Estonia is starting to live much better, though we do start getting some shitskins

Attached: 48380083_2382016938493288_5890520214507880448_n.jpg (438x960, 40K)

Soon as Estonia runs out of booze and cute girls we'll fuck Latvian boi pussies

All Baltics have Finland.

Is this something new? Never seen this meme and I remember when Latvia had Iceland.

Attached: 1552536917676.jpg (487x301, 24K)

How can you not know?

Attached: baltoscandia lithuania sweden.png (500x433, 46K)

Based big brother

Cool, we have both Sweden and Finland

The Franco-Spanish American vikangz alliance

It's been a thing for over a week. We're besties now.


Attached: lithuanian swedish romance.png (680x609, 127K)

I don't like this pic, user

Do you have the version where Russia gets baited by a Tiger only to be raped by Poland.

What do you have against gray skinned individuals?

Pic related should be the belly flag

Attached: main-qimg-91b5c5ef978095098635c69f5873367e.png (580x422, 3K)

Why ?

I'll fix it

Attached: lithuania nordic flag runner.png (400x400, 4K)

also the roles should be reversed

should have listened to latvian warnings about little cepalinis

Ehh, I'll fix it

Fix this image.
I demand Lithuanian man and Swedish man touching their dicks and lithuanian woman swedish woman touch their boobs.

When a Sweden(right) and a Lithuanian make babies you get this(left).

Attached: Bild-2012-02-15-kl.-17.11.50.jpg (353x629, 55K)

When a Swede*

Attached: 1554220413894.jpg (720x960, 173K)

Qveens are ok. Jamals and Abduls not so much.

Attached: lithuanian swedish romance alternative.png (680x609, 120K)

What about Ibrahim?

Attached: 48367163_2382016775159971_7704535270137266176_n.jpg (438x960, 35K)

Imagine being a Lithuanian cuck.
Lithuanian making children with Germanicshits pollutes his Aryan genes.


Attached: 1554490029039.png (680x609, 119K)

Its time to kill russians

Attached: flaggo.png (820x710, 54K)

Attached: psichologas-pries-dalia-grybauskaite-visi-varzovai-zaidzia-triguba-jega-.jpg (646x340, 21K)

These two will lead the frontlines directly themselves
Just like the kings of the old

Attached: resize_680x520_d2_2014-04-10-svedijos-karalius-karlas-xvi-gustavas-dsc_4710.jpg (680x445, 93K)


Attached: kungenkroning.jpg (800x523, 48K)

>Imagine being P*leshit

Attached: baltoscandians.png (1040x648, 237K)

>Tfw we could've had a king in the 20th century ourselves,_Duke_of_Urach
As an added bonus we would've had permanent alliance with Germany

I don't know if he'd survive soviet

There would be no soviet if he would've been our monarch
>if the Central Powers were to win the war, Lithuania could have expected German protection in the event of future intrusions by Russia.

he would have survived in exile, dare i say in Sverige?

How can you feel more affinity to swedes than west slavs ?

Visiškai nesąmonė ir gėda tau.

Because he's a literal cuck

What's lithuania?

Latvija should befriend Srbija

Because we are more similar to them and we had contact with them earlier than any slavs

Attached: lithuania is nordic.png (1899x317, 182K)


Attached: o.png (445x126, 7K)

v4 is excellent whereas Sweden is an abomination though.

Attached: 1422013130354-1.jpg (625x664, 172K)

I bet his second name is Abdul. Looks like a nice bloke though, but he probably wants to bring in all of his cousins and namesakes even.

All qveens get a passing from me anyway.

O kodėl mergaitė naudotų šitą vietnamietiska daržovių marinavimo forumą ?

>tarptautinių pardavimų vadybininkas

He imports drugs, m8

Who cares?
We want nothing to do with slavs anymore.
Every time we had any contact with them it ended badly with us.
And Lithuania and Sweden it's whole history were star-crossed lovers anyways
Ne i tai akcentuota,

We have qt pakis too

Attached: 48361799_2382016208493361_6102539806196105216_n.jpg (438x960, 40K)

Attached: baltoscandian.png (1000x800, 237K)

Imagine actually learning English from a paki. It would be like learning lithuanian from some sovok bydlo living in nauojoji vilna.

At least not from a Pajeet

Attached: 48381745_2382016761826639_7060043365441601536_n.jpg (438x960, 48K)

That would be better.

Youve obviously never heard the accent and vernacular used by pakis in the UK.

Nah, I don't think I ever met a paki honestly
Worst offenders of english languages that are met are East Asians, Pajeets and Italians

>Latvians, Estonians and Finns
So not really Nordic?

Finns = nordic

We aren't pretending to be Scandinavian, but instead Nordic

Nah bro, mano gimtoji kalba yra anglų but the most offensive users of the language in the UK are pakis, Australians and people from Essex

And you are Nordic. My Nordic brothers.

Oh yeah
When they speak I hear something like

I am its friend, I hope hope all Latvians have a nice weekend.

Attached: ワシントンD.C..jpg (2400x1200, 442K)

Their IQ is sub-80, don't be too harsh

Shut up

Das rite

Attached: sverige litauen 3.png (909x417, 16K)

I've read it in the news

Attached: 1553332329733.jpg (906x466, 104K)

Latvia has other friends

Attached: 1549647787359.png (700x360, 15K)

Like what?


Who need enemies with friends like these

How quickly Riga will be Polish?


>How quickly Riga will be Polish?
Have you ever been to rīga m8 ?

Finns literallyspeak finnish in Estonia and latvian border towns. This is Russian tier

nope, but have this

Attached: tiger.png (333x304, 139K)

How are we supposed to speak Estonian or Latvian when we dont know how?

based. I too love all my Finno Ugric Brothers

I hate every single country above, if there's war with europe in nearby future I hope we nuke them first

How are Russians supposed to speak Estonian or Latvian when they dont know how?


>Russians jelly

Attached: balts superior.png (1200x900, 419K)


If Latvia needs a friend, we can help him

>high quality of life

I wish that were true

Does Latvia have qt girls? I would adopt them if so.


Russians get out
>Now let me tell you about your own country

Speak English you mong

>Now let me tell you about your own country

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