Please fuck our women

Please fuck our women

Attached: 0B261188-EE63-46FA-BB65-B0BD633D6ECC.jpg (1125x1387, 232K)

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I can't, they're too far away from home

>see lawn-mowing CHIs with hot mexican chicks
>be white
>they want me to have a STEM degree and shit

There's a lot of them here in California. I have unlimited access to Mexican pussy.

only if you pay me

stfu virgin

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Is this a castiza? I want one


I don't know but she's cute

Who is she? insta,Twitter,?

It was very easy to find

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>our women

Attached: 1553689534707.jpg (647x831, 110K)


Euroarabians not welcome

I haven't known who were she so anyways thanks

Why don't you fuck them?

If only 1% looked like that

Because he wants his country become a white nation.

just reverse image search dood

Attached: instrucciones.png (780x886, 136K)

because by throwing his women at you he can have an implicit permission to "fuck your women back", thus achieving his visceral arribista imperative of acquiring social status through intermarriage

kys peru

do mexican girls look like that?

Attached: tf.png (2688x2688, 173K)

some of them do, but most of them are pretty ugly

I do. I married one and we have sex all the time

>Please fuck our women
I want your men. Can we have those as well?

No but I'll fuck your men when I come for a visit there

yo quiero mucho sexo con esa chichona

Wtf Mexican have eurabian genes though, it's my right.

Way ahead of you. I'm coming back this summer as well.

No. Fuck off, faggot.

Kiss your sister, Ahmed Rapitski

Then why? Was correct?

Our intentions are pure (white)

How could i get a beautiful white mexican girl?

I will fuck your brother Pablo

looks jewish

Attached: anne frank.jpg (850x646, 60K)

What type of Colombian are you

Don't be like that hermano. A man has needs.

I'm white with europeans ancestors something like pic related

Attached: me.jpg (400x300, 21K)

He's lying, all Colombians are BLACK KARA BOGA BVLLS.

Well if you insist I'd be happy to oblige

Attached: mega nutt.png (325x336, 158K)

Then just come here (to a big city, though)

No sorry you fucked your chance
All you had to do was send the white ones and keep your goblins. You did the opposite.
You forced our hand in the matter, frankly.

>All you had to do was send the white ones and keep your goblins. You did the opposite.

Ruining the genetic pool of the US AND improving your own, how could you let the Mexicans play 5D Algebraic chess around you, Americans.

Shut up monkey

My ancestors are smiling at me R*lo, can you say the same about yours?

i'm sure they'd were proud of me

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_101III-Lerche-46-02,_Frankreich,_Ordensverleihung_an_Waffen-SS.jpg (800x538, 52K)

>they'd were proud
>can't even speak basic English
>Nazi ancestors

Why are Mexicans the ugliest latinas? Colombians blow them out of the water.

>Mexicans the ugliest latinas
Not true, I know plenty of Mexican qts.

That dishonor goes for Bolivians.

this but also s*lvadorans and h*ndurans and also g**temalans

I want a Mexican gf desu

Attached: mexico.jpg (640x960, 78K)

terrible way to kill yourself

But I think is it some sort of a gang ritual?
Br,enlighten me. Surely you know of something like that from your favella.

never saw anything like this here. But I'm not a knower

Salvadorans are better than mexicans

imagine being so virgin that you have to beg other men for making your only job as a man, you disgust me, son

But I do, nightly. One of them anyway.

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>mexican peepees
that's a hard pass from me

Already have alhamdulillah

I did bang Mexican Rotary Club cutie :^)

based finno Vgrics