Red = matters

Red = matters

Attached: Red.png (1357x628, 45K)

>Let me tell you who matters and doesn't matter in this world.

Attached: 1432811978304.png (250x307, 118K)

Checks out. Congrats on making a good unlike the usual ones.

And this Please remove the UK

Why are Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica not red when Alaska is?

not exactly, sweety

the next 50 years will be marked by conflict and invasion that will eventually coalesce the world into 10 primary economic powerhouses, moving the world centers to asia and africa

american education

Attached: IMG_7296.jpg (1302x670, 135K)

this is a better map

Attached: 44.png (1642x758, 47K)

1. hes not american
2. answer his fucking question you smarmy smug ass

I would remove turkey, iran, sand niggers and maybe even italiens