
Ethiopian edition


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>Ethiopian edition
finally a good edition

Attached: EthiopianWalk.webm (640x640, 328K)

You mean ancient hellenic man with his harp


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Just a reminder
is for all slavs not influenced by turks

Come on now, the whole world used wheels for thousands of years before it reached africa. Also why avoid the languages argument? Africans don't have normal ones and you can't really communicate with them besides some basic stuff.
>is for all slavs not influenced by turks
so why post it here? fuck off before i chop your head white boy

Then why are their intelligence lower than the rest??

Ibn Khaldun wrote that Sub-Saharan Africans in the Arab slave trade were submissive to slavery and specifically said "Therefore, the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because Negroes have little that is essentially human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals"

To the south of this...there is a Negro people called Lamlam. They are unbelievers. They brand themselves on the face and temples. The people of Ghanah and Takrur invade their country, capture them, and sell them to merchants who transport them to the Maghrib. There, they constitute the ordinary mass of slaves. Beyond them to the south, there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings.

>the whole world used wheels for thousands of years before it reached africa.

Again, the keyword here is "before it reached Africa." In most of Africa people were isolated from trading hubs. In virtually every isolated population, you find they do not have an aptitude for technology or civilization.

This is because concepts like the wheel, agriculture, writing - although obvious to me and you - were not thought up for over 100,000 years of human histroy. And where they were thought up, they were invented because of very specific circumstances. Europeans and Asians didn't "invent" agriculture by themselves. These cultures weren't living in a vacuum inventing everything themselves. The area around the classical world has always been very advanced because of trade and the spread of ideas.

Isolated peoples such as Aborigines and the Bantu never came in contact with people who could write. They never had the cultural trade and exposure to new ideas the people of North Africa, the Levant and Europe did.


cringe thread

>Again, the keyword here is "before it reached Africa
We are talking here about a difference 3-4000 years big, not something casual.

Abos and africans remained the same and isolated because they lived in such areas where it's always sunny, basic food around you, dry land and a wild animal as your biggest enemy. But at the same time Mesopotamians had similar living conditions and yet they managed to build the first civilization. So why did africans stay isolated, why didn't they go to search for more.

And must mention the languages again because you are avoiding them like a plague. Why didn't they invent a normal language with a normal alphabet like every other race?

hold up
is this general good?
is it better than the ex-yu one?

We can't go out like this balkanbros
We have to do something

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It has always been better than underage central i.e ex-yu

>comparing Mesopotamia to sub-Saharan Africa
Seriously, lad?
>We are talking here about a difference 3-4000 years big, not something casual
AGAIN, the wheel was INDEPENDENTLY invented once (or maybe twice, it's debatable). Europeans never invented the wheel, the invention SPREAD across the old world from Mesopotamia. Most technology is ADOPTED from neighboring cultures instead of indipendently invented like writing, agriculture, and yes the wheel. Most of Africa never had the opportunity to ADOPT (like others did) these inventions because they were fucking I S O L A T E D, due to geographical factors that were largely outside the control, and living on the most sparsely populated continent didn't help either. Anyways, this is getting very repetitive so this debate ends here.

what is that

id bet some of you remember yuchan?

At least answer about the languages you fat bastard, stop avoiding it

Bulgaria's population

that's everywhere tho
we could start a kickstarter to finance me fathering a thousand children all over balkans

if it works others will follow suit
it might work

worst case scenario i get to change a TON of diapers

Where to eat shkembe chorba in Greece

i was involved in a car accident today

not gonna ask greek above about car accident because since he was able to type his post it's not interesting

What about it? Most African languages do have large oral literatures, they're just not as easily accessible for outsiders as printed books are. Besides, like I already said, quite a few actually had writing in pre-colonial times, mostly in arabic script and in the regions that were in cultural contact with Arabs, but then there are also things like tuareg tifinagh and the scripts I've listed in the previous thread (Nsibidi, Ancient Meroitic, Old Nubian,
Ge'ez, Amharic, Sudanic pictographs)

Their languages are kind of limited in terms of abstraction, but that's something that develops as the civilization progresses.

hope you didnt die

Make it yourself...?

Maybe he was the one at fault and it resulted in other driver dying??

i was the one "at fault" and now my parents have to pay for the car to be fixed :^(

Well shit happens m8, but life goes on. The good thing is that you are okay.
Come to masedonia for shkembe chorba which is btw disgustang

How much of it are you going to pay, fren??
Be careful next time...

Anime needs to be illegal and punishable by death.

Weebs are gutter trash. Saw a dude watching anime at my uni a few days ago, degenerate motherfucker.

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>27 posts, 14 poster, 12 russian bots
what happened to /balk/?

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I pay for my car, insurance pays for the other guys car

what car

Based /sp/ poster.
Nothing happened, it's always like this on Friday night cause this is the normiest general.

we have deers in Greece


What about your countries balk?

We only have nkazela

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Where do you get these pics, on her insta or smth?

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Would you live in Lviv, Ukraine?

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Ukrainians are leaving Ukraine en masse why would we move there

It can be bretty good if you earn money by some shit like freelancing or if you've saved a certain sum, since it's super cheap but still safe, and some major cities look decent (centers, at least). Obviously it's not a good place to live overall, but under certain circumstances it can be nice.

Would you?

It can be nice if you want to fuck. After 3 months you are tired of it or in a relationship with a woman, that would push you to leave Ukraine. It's a shithole, with low quality of living, maybe an upgrade to Albanians or Moldavians, but that's about it.

looks pretty, but the russian is to close. I'd rather live next to gypsies than to russians, God forgive me for saying thing things, but it's true.

And then one day while living in your flat in Lviv a gang of Ukrainians break through your door and rob you and if they feel like it kill you. Ukraine is literally Africa now.

It's the stockholm syndrome.

Ukraine has lower homicide rates than Lithuania, for example. And besides, Western parts of the country, especially the major cities, are much safer. So I don't think getting murdered is some major risk.

>much safer
Than what? Whilst homicide might be lower by a fraction per thousand, sure as fuck the traffic deaths alone are like 5 times higher. Healthcare probably one of the worst Europe has to offer, air quality etc. Just because there is lower homicide, which I don't think is even true, you'll still be likely to die earlier than somewhere else.

Both true, such a shame Ukraine is like this now, it has some really nice spots and cities. Really sucks they can't resolve that Donbass problem without losing a good deal of their sovereignty and economical core or starting WW3. The eternal fate of buffer zones.

Just saying, man. It's not like Somalia where you'd be afraid to leave your apartment. I do agree it's overall a shitty place to live, but even in places like Luhansk it's far from Africa-tier like that other user suggested.

Her main profile and fanpages

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Eating warm milk with biscuits after a decade maybe, shit's still good

>maybe an upgrade to Albanians
Are you fucking kidding me gyppo? God im so mad i took out my phone to post this reply, because i cant post on my computer. I wish i could kick your fucking teeth im cumstain gyppsoid turk mutt

Not even sure how much Ukraine actually differs from Somalia GDP wise, I remember the per capita GDP to be over 4 times lower than ours, which isn't very high either for European standards. Means to me it must be a really, really shitty place. Ukraine is one of the countries for which the end of communism indeed was a downgrade compared to today, though it's not Africa poverty per se, I'm sure majority of Ukrainians don't really live much better than your average Somalian, with exception of access to drinking water. It's just very poor, kinda sad, but corruption seems to be an incurable disease in every orthodox country of the former communist states.

Made me laugh out


you''ll catch AIDS just by breathing the air in ukraine. Ukraine sucks.


why you hef to be med its only the truth

Leaving Neverland is airing on my TV.

MJ was not a pedo imo, he was just extremely autistic and he grow up without having a childhood that's why he was so obsessed with child's stuff. He was also very naive person so he didn't knew people could use this to gain embezzlement from him, and so people did misinterpretated him for a predator.

We'll never know the truth but I also pretty much share your view. However, there are some evidence of him sleeping in the same bed with kids, expressing love to them and shit like that.

Btw aren't there rumors that he was chemically castrated or something

>there are some evidence of him sleeping in the same bed with kids

It's called having a sleepover, a common children activity. He was trying to relive his childhood that he didn't get to live when he was a kid.

>justifying a pedophile
Disgusting. Go fuck your goats you incestoid mongrels.

On sleepover you don't hug your frens, prob sleep on separate beds, at least I did. Plus he was grown ass man which makes it weirder. But still can look over it if he really had the most pure intentions.

The one that makes me doubt the most is that he had something like a sensor that told him when a person was approaching the room where he stayed alone with the kids. Why do you need that if you aren't doing anything perverted?
says the man who has loli pics on his pic
u a pedo too

I don't save that shit you fucking nerd

yeah sure, you only post them but don't have them

Honestly I feel like a retard every time I give animetard a (You).

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If you watch his old interviews and videos you can clearly see he has autism and hazy naivity. Though we will never know if he had bad intentions or not, imo he didn't had any bad intention with children, in fact, he was like a child in an adult man's body. But yeah he came off as extremely creepy, and he probably didn't realized that.
>he had something like a sensor that told him when a person was approaching the room where he stayed alone with the kids. Why do you need that if you aren't doing anything perverted?

We'll never know why, I guess.

Just going to leave this here.

Attached: Magyartard tries to get a gf in train.webm (408x720, 2.11M)

Tall women are the most vile "people" in the world.

t. hypermanlet

t. Russian

And that makes me naturally superior to any low iq balkanite

I am sure you're smarter than us, you're Asian after all

Can you prove that you’re a real russian and not a semi-chink?

>fucked up my sleep schedule again
Fugg : (

Holy shit he can actually draw something, I thought he was just going to paint the entire sheet blue. He probably memorized all of it but still impressive

>go out
>random guys in hoodies signal me to follow them
>keep walking
>some bald guys look at me weird
who here adventuring

the fuck is a "real russian"?

Definitely memorized, but still, kudos to the guy who managed to teach the elephant to do that.

Cheer up.

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Is that pic one of your larps, animegay? Looks like something you'd write.

Don’t do this, you know what im talking about

dude, i`d totally impregnate that nigger

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Good night, everyone :3

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So what are you trying to do exactly? Make me prove I don't have asiatic genes? Why? Do you have any idea how ridiculous this sounds?


>boo hoo, niggers
slavs are still slaves in [e.g.] israel

and this is why not having (You)s is a good thing

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wake up niggers

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but tall girls are more open-minded because they don't have that much choice like normal/short girls

*wakes up*

t. chang tvayumatov sukablyatskii



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