my girlfriend is fat and disgusting
My girlfriend is fat and disgusting
Don't have such low standards then.
At least you have one
Ungrateful Pole
>my girlfriend
Take the piercepill and embrace it.
At least you have a gf you chad
Beat her up. And then tell her you will only stop if you lose weight.
considering fat girls can still just fuck hot guys who wouldn't date them until they're 30, you are kinda lucky
you could have said fat. disgusting would be implied. kill all fat people
Poland, you've had this thread yesterday and all I have to say is:
get ready for anglos
saw some chad today with a short fat gf, was that you?
Give her to me, I'll appreciate her ;^)
kill her
chubby chaser
Based Architect poster
I was making good progress with my gf until we split up last week, wondering if I should make amends and get back with her.
my gf is very thin and flat chested. do you want to switch?
mine too
I tried to make her come with me to the gym regularly many times, but no success
I can't even look at her while fucking anymore
care to clarify?
Nice. Definitely make up. You don‘t abandon a masterpiece halfway.
Don't be so shallow. You should appreciate her inner values more.
you don't understand this because you're obviously female, but men don't want to fuck personality
you can appreciate somebody's inner values without wanting to be their boyfriend. That's what a platonic friend is. That doesn't make a woman attractive.
Ever try cooking with her? What about hiking?
show us what she looks like. how fat is she?
How fat are we talking? Like, extra chubby or absolutely massive?
Don't need to say she is disgusting if she's fat
Dude just end it. She will never get her self together. Believe me I come from land of whales
this is true, the number of fat gfs who lose weight is probably like 1%. fat women just can't lose weight.
better to just dump her if you can do better, so she can be happy with a chubby chaser type of guy
A man with a licence to feed.
we cook dinner and lunch together every other day. we don't really do hiking, I usually work on some articles on the weekends and go to the gym while she cleans our flat
she doesn't even eat that much, and her hormone levels are fine. I have no idea how she got so big
>He doesn't know who the Architect is
Exactly this. Chubby chaser vetas will make her happier anyway. You'll both be happier if you dump her.
I went through this myself. Don't waste your life dating a fat sack of shit. Not worth it please don't waste your life like me
>is your chumk a chonk
Reddit should be fucking exterminated.
My husbando is 2D
>kill all fat people
Hmm yeah, based
Take her hiking. Gyms are intimidating, hiking is fun and romantic. I guarantee you she'll like it.