If Greeks are Europeans than Arabs, Iranians and Algerians are also european...

If Greeks are Europeans than Arabs, Iranians and Algerians are also european. Iranians literally speak a Indo-European language.

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What's up my sudaca amigo, you actually post the same shit on every thread but you forgot to call them Gypsies this time.

You must be confusing me for someone else cavrone.

Finns are mongolians from Turania

Also pakis can also be considered Europeans if Greeks are. Pakis speak an indo-European language, same with pajeets. What’s up with this hypocrisy?

>but Greeks are christians
So are Ethiopians. What’s you’re point?

looks nu-French

greeks have unique bodytypes like mine

Attached: 20190328_205416.jpg (629x629, 215K)

most greek men actually are taller than me (1.88m)

((europeans have tall stature))

>*im 188cm
I’m sure you giga monkey