You can post ITT only if your country is blamed for everything bad happening in the world

You can post ITT only if your country is blamed for everything bad happening in the world.

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hello :)

>US doesn't get involved
>get yelled at
>US gets involved
>get yelled at

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>nooooooooo putler LITERALLY brainwashed DRUMPF into sending those arms to ukraine, those troops to eastern europe and those ships to the black sea IT WAS HER TUUUUUURN

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Hello there

sup lads, heard that people call anglos the bad guts of history alot

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you deserve it

Step up your game, bros.

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no u step it up

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Ok. Starting the next phase.

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b-but turkey supported isis!

Why is the bolivia-peru frontier on the map?

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Seriously, Ivans, I re-read 1984 last year and it's spooky how our deep state and media have made Putin into an omni-competent Emmanuel Goldstein.

>You can post ITT only if your country is blamed for everything bad happening in the world.
that's actually us, you only get blamed by us but everybody else blames the USA

this tbqh

It's a fact.
Yet to happen.

>Rogue state


Other than coastal boomers how many amuricans actually care about muh putin/muh russia

Other mainstream liberals that listen to Pod Save America I would guess.

>everybody else blames the USA
In that case, there probably shouldn't be American military bases all over the world.
Ironically, both mainstream liberals and mainstream conservatives seem to see America as the good guys these days.

>In that case, there probably shouldn't be American military bases all over the world.
Lots of countries have military bases all over the world.

Kek. It's funny to read while knowing he couldn't even handle with Caucasian warlords within RF.

We're blamed by Americans for a lot of things


>>US doesn't get involved

The establishment and (corporate) media are really pushing for war with Russia for some reason.

Do Russians really fucking believe that they lost the checen Wars? You guys act like it was Your Vietnam.

I post, but my country is actually to blame. The only more evil country is the USA.

both world wars

Vatnik Vietnam was Afghanistan in the 80's

Putin wasn't even President until the last year of the Chechen wars.

Having to constantly shell out a ridiculous amount of federal money to bribe a fundamentalist Sunni warlord so he won't rebel doesn't really seem like 'winning' to me.

I'm curious, which rogue states? Am I suppose to tremble in terror at the Abkhazian threat?

probably Venezuela

I'm quaking in fear.

Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Belarus, Syria, Turkey?, Zimbabwe, Iran?

If NATO leaves Europe, LITERALLY the entire world will be annexed by Russia.
The economist told me so.


Aside from people whose primary sources of information are NPR/ABC/MSNBC, no one. Everyone with an ounce of brainpower realizes that China is more of a threat.
I don't think the US should be buddy-buddy with Russia, nor do I think we should just completely cut ties with China, but I really think our domestic media and some of the politicians are hyping Russia up with that typical Cold War rhetoric, willing to turn a blind eye to the growing Chinese dragon just across the horizon that's creeping closer and closer.

US doesn't enter until the wars are half over. Everyone bitches that we could have ended the wars much sooner had we joined in the beginning even though we had no cause yet.


at least yours actually is OP :^)

Don't know about everything, but I bitch about the fact that you steal all the credit

who are you hugging? a lying russian? nobody blames russia for anything that didn't do.
it is the opposite. they deny even proven facts. like that plane they shot down.

what war? paranoid much?

well, given that the sovietrs were handed the resources they didn't have while the United States was figthing multi level wars on multiple fronts across the planet, yeah, I see your part as being a regional conflict

you don't fool me slavoslav mcgaysovic

I even have a folder full of facts and logic, but I am not in the mood to argue right now, so simply go fuck yourself

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you are trying too hard, fag. the OP pic is true.
these for example: and he also stirs shit up in france.

So you admit to your crimes.

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I accept your surrender putin

>any countries that are allies of Russia are proof of "being rogue"
I guess in a world dominated by America.

oh, you're that insane serb from earlier, accept the fact that you will always be punished for murder

Meh. Most of those allies are crapsacks that can barely govern themselves. The only formidable countries on that list are Iran and Turkey, both of which are former superpowers and are content to be nobody's bitch.

are you that butthurt yugo cuck? you should be deported.


even as a mere fraction of the ottoman empire that was little more than a regional power

I'm glad you agree America is a cancer upon the world.

you don't know how to read do you?

Formidable or not, still funny how putin has been trying to build his own mini little alliance of pro-russia shitholes. He so wants to be 'relevant'. Russia wants to be America 2.0 and a big fish in a little pond of poo.

Stay mad, slav. Canada is our best ally. How does that make you feel? You are surrounded by the enemies lmao.

It's pretty obvious you admit that America is basically the world police. and therefore complete garbage.
Enemies of a multi-polar world? Sure, I hate them.

okay look, you're a nut

>Russia Today publishes multiple stories claiming the US will start WWIII by attacking Iran
>Time publishes a factual story about Russia courting various illiberal states
>Reeee reeeeee zionists suka blyaaad
Just Vatnik things.

America is already close with illiberal states. I don't see what the issue is here.

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is the article any good? I haven't renewed my subscription because the rag's been reading like a blog for a while now

you don't get yelled at for getting involved. you get yelled at for bombing the shit outta people and supporting terrorist regimes.
Kinda different from Russia who get blamed for everything lmao (which also includes funding groups that may or may not be terrorist groups)

Putin invests heavily in propaganda. Lots of brainlets fall for RT 'news'.

ayy! what's a russiabot doing all the way in mexicuck?

He probably doesn't want to be lorded over by America. Crazy, I know.

we don't lord over anyone you brainlet

America is the sole world superpower. It doesn't matter how much US power is intentionally projects towards Mexico, because in the end they're still under your thumb.

hi how's it goin frens
actually facts. I watched Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US or whatever, which was basically just a commentary over USA in 20th century history. it basically went along the lines of:
>The US hardly did anything to stop the bad guys during the buildup to WW2 and its early stages. they knew that Hitler wanted to kill Jews and that the Axis powers were going to try to take over Europe and Asia- and can you believe they did nothing to stop it until Pearl Harbor?
>what a load of shit, America needs to help its allies, and should be the protector of freedom, democracy, and human rights!
then after the WW2 part it basically went like:
>The US started being aggressive against communism and the Soviets during the cold war (because communists were killing people, and trying to expand as much as possible to prevent another thing like WW2 from hurting the USSR again).
>Americans went off the walls trying to help its allies against their enemies in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Latin America, and *insert a bunch of other 3rd world countries*.
>Saddam Hussein was being supported by the US, and he started killing Kurds, Persians, and other minorities en masse, sometimes with chemical weapons (hmmm sounds like Hitler except Arab).
>can you believe that after all the horrible shit Saddam did, America would invade his country to destroy his regime, because they thought they had WMD's (which they didn't, but had and used before)? it's almost like they tried to do exactly what they did to Nazi Germany!

granted there is fucked shit that the US does, but it doesn't matter to people when you can spin anything American-related as an earth-shattering action of terror.
also true except the US knows that Iran would just be Iraq but way worse and way more unpopular, and the US also tries to court shitholes and/or shitty rebels fighting shithole governments.

you deserve to have something like what you imagine the US to be asshole

why are w*stoid vatniks seething itt?

hey ivan, are you talking about me? don't worry, I'm laughing at you sovoks more than anything else

We get blamed for everything that n*rth india does

are you the fellas that have really good beef bbq?

Down here in south
kerala is well known for beef and karnataka has few regions which is known for its pork dishes

i'm laughing harder, mykola.

>reeee rasha bots everywhere
yeah, definitely laughing.

okay bud, enjoy

noice, nothing beats pork bbq ribs

based braindead american vatnik

go fuck a stick

What does the Soviet Union have to do with anything?

its propaganda still lives in people's brains

>hurr durrr anyone who doesn't agree with me is a russian shill
Why are Amerifats so fucking stupid?

Literally nobody old enough to have that in their brains uses this site. Let the memes rest, you seem to be using too many words you don't understand.

you don't get it though, that propaganda replicates to others, and anyway, I don't need you to presume to tell me what I'm saying or not saying

>you don't get it though, that propaganda replicates to others,
sure it might, but how could you possibly know who's affected?
besides the same can be applied to america.
> I don't need you to presume to tell me what I'm saying or not saying
Yes you do, because you clearly dont understand Russian.

We are on some sites on the internet i won't name any