When did you realise that Anglos were the protagonists of history?

When did you realise that Anglos were the protagonists of history?

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i genuinely have a hard time seeing non-anglos as fully human desu

humans were the protagonists of history

Every other ethnicity/culture is either a side character or a straight up villain (the french, chinese...)

When they started sending their prisoners to some isolated island.

The Anglo is the antagonist in the history of mankind.

when did it happen?

>lets argue about historical events that have no current ramifications

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why did that one post with tripcode, hmmm

That would be Scandinavia

When our armada got btfo by a fucking storm. Seriously what was that plot armor bs?

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When they wrote it?

what made anglos the master race
what is your secret

Keep coping you snow nigger.

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t. speaks english

Si respondo en espaƱol es muy probable que no entienda.

Ewww it's the goblino Argentinian in nippon

You misspelled Khazars

What about jew?

Is easter coming up soon?

>black people?
>"yeah! Enslave them!"