Is the average brazilian girl actually attractive or is the stereotype wrong

is the average brazilian girl actually attractive or is the stereotype wrong

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Stereotype is definitely wrong

>stereotype wrong
race mixing a shit, A SHIT

No, they're not. They're ugly, masculine and disgusting like the one in your pic.

damn, I thought having hot woman was like a gift from the universe to make up for the rest of your country being so fucked up

sad if you haven't

Ive been to every continent, very very many different cunts and the ratio of hot and ugly people is mostly the same everywhere. The poor cunts were sneakier because less makeup, fasions and expensive haircuts, BUT when really looking at their faces and bodies, even the poor cunts were full of beautiful people. By far the ugliest place ive ever been is wisconsin in america, their was a very huge lack of anyone attractive, it was shocking.

Have you been to South America? Which countries?

every country has the same ratio of ugly to attractive people as here? that's depressing

This. When people say another countries girls look beter it's the exotic playing with their minds.

That may be true, but when a girl is beautiful in Russia, for example, they're really, really beautiful and way above our most beautiful girls. We just can't compete.

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racemixing with mongoloids and negroids (especially negroids) is the equivalent of taking a shit on your entire lineage (assuming you're not a sh*tskin)

that's what I was implying, retard

Isn't that what he just said?

Most stereotypes about Latin America are wrong.

As someone who has gone externally, definitely this. It's intriguing to find someone who doesn't look like the average girl from your neighborhood.

Depends on the region.
There are some really pretty girls, but the majority are okish and the globinas, I would say that is very diversified, but again depends on the region and social class, cause let's face it money does by beauty.

But take in consideration that what is new tend to draw more our attention, for example, I say a lot of Gringos that want a Brazilian GF and end up dating a girl that is less than okay, to my patterns, but he thinks she is beauty to die for. The same probably happen in UK when Brazilians or people from any other country, and up dating ugly natives and think they are beauty.

Beauty is determined by two factors:
Biological and environmental.
If you eat healthy, move a lot, lift weights, have good hygiene, refuse alcohol, cigarettes and drugs and stay in a clean area, you're at least normal-looking.

Real beauty though comes from genetic harmony, so no race-mixing and incest and having two similar looking parents of the same hair-, eye- and skin-colour that are 3rd to 4th generation cousins is the best condition for being genuinely attractive.

I think Latinas are some of the ugliest women and admittedly only the pure Iberians are attractive.

have you ever been in Russia?
Or you judge only with photo?

So, Latinas are not pretty?


No, especially in the most indio countries.

He is talking about brazillians especifically. Negroid dna destroys everything that it touches

how come your pornstars are so hot though

I want 15/10s on every corner

I respect your opinion, but I think there are very beautiful Latinas and not as pretty as in any country. Just as there are beautiful Germans and there are others who do not, even though they are "pure" without having any other different genetics.
We are all different and nobody asked to be born of one or more races, believe me there are mixed races that are beautiful.

How is come? You’re from Brazil

This is average girl in Rio

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Top 10% are nice
Top 5% are very nice
Top 2% (that you see becoming international models) are the most beautiful in the world

Rest is shit, serious

True. But this part I don't sure:
>having two similar looking parents of the same hair-, eye- and skin-colour that are 3rd to 4th generation cousins


Works for me *zzzzzziiiiiipppp*

Give an example. Girls of all races are more beauty if they are genetically pure.

The same as in any country:

70% are 6/10 or lower
20% are 7/10
7% are 8/10
2% are 9/10
Rest is 10/10

>Give an example. Girls of all races are more beauty if they are genetically pure.

Attached: Adriana-Lima.jpg (1080x1080, 117K)

its that one macaco incel freak who is absolutely obsessed with lookism and blonde lolis

>or is the stereotype wrong
What stereotype?

not him, but I never understood why people find her pretty, she is a 6/10 mixed race, and this is the best a mixed race subhuman will ever achieve

Object-oriented theories of beauty attempt to conceptually grasp the secret characteristics of the beautiful. These are the theories of proportion, the perfect composition, the sinuous lines and the form- and function dialectics. They pretend to be objective. The doctrine of proportion, harmony, perfect symmetry, geometrical purity, of Pythagoras (the right angle, the bodily proportions) about Palladio (a column must be nine times higher than its width) up to Marilyn Monroe (the ideal breast circumference) are all doctrines that reduce the experience of beauty to a concept, to an insight in a relation according to a given ratio, to the insight into the structure of the cosmos in its entire ideality. Such aesthetics are called formal but there are many kinds of formalisms that are, for that matter, well matched. Generally, formalisms consider the essence of beauty as a characteristic of a holistic nature: beauty is the rule of the whole, of the combination of separate elements, of interrelations and juxtapositions within the object. The particular elements must go hand in hand in a composition without losing their identity through their relationship to a totality.

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Cala a boca, João

All the Brazilians posting here must be the purest German/Venetians the South has to offer.

Tá bom, João

Nah, I saw a algerian/swedish chick who was MUCH better looking than her. Unfortunately, I didn't save the pic, so I'm unable to show her.

>10 or less percent black
>white DNA predominant
Ok... 90% pure is still beautiful.

:Unironically a lot of them live in those isolated cities full of nazis


Attached: Oktoberfest-Blumenau-2011.jpg (404x589, 80K)

>she is a 6/10

Ok mister "i want to lick the pinkish ass of any shitty blonde thot"

>algerian/swedish chick
they are both caucasians though, the genetic distance is not that far

I am not. I'm just a very, very honest, rational and candid person. I'm not delusional. I hate lying to myself.

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>All the Brazilians posting here must be the purest German/Venetians the South has to offer.

Yes, they are.
The other 90% of brazilians are in "bailes funk" fucking all the pussies


Not quite. But I can be framed as a ""white"" person.

She is half Lebanon and and the other half Mexican

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or less percent black
>>white DNA predominant
>Ok... 90% pure is still beautiful.

I´m unironically the whitest brazilian here and i love fucking black women.

body yes
attractiveness no

stop speaking monkey

Post generic Brazilians that you see in the streets, not Adriana Limas

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Of course there are a lot of mixed women beautiful as fuck.
But majority of women in any place of the world is average or ugly.

Bebeu muito hoje também, macaco? Pegue leve na bebida e na cocaína.

>Post generic Brazilians
just subhumans because of race mixing, not worth posting

Attached: balada litoral norte.jpg (920x611, 109K)

Yeap. You will have not too lovely babies.

Genetic, not photoshoot

>upper class PUC law students
Don't be dishonest

Why admit you're a wh*toid when you can pretend to be a BLACK BVLL?

Generic*, not staged photoshoot
Fuck me

ooga ooga booga

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Any place in the world is the same shit
The top 10%-20%
rest is ugly or average

Attached: fila2.jpg (620x465, 112K)

I was expecting something a lot worse
I guess we're not MUTT enough yet
But the north it goes the uglier it gets

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I only typed "balada" in google, retarded

some places have higher ratios though, most of the comments here seem to be talking about race mixing and not if they are attractive

some people prefer mixed race girls

Cuidado para a imigração não te pegar aí, o ilegal do caralho

not in sweden

Brazil is like that: Sao Paulo and South have more euro genes because of the immigration in the XIX century.
Rest is more native and black.
Northeast and North are the blackest and most native

I don't think so. European features are very attractive at out country, even a girl being 6/10. So this percentage is very relative.

If you like pigskins, yes.
But i don´t like
I prefer brown girls

Do you like brown girls or girls who look arabs. Yes, so Brazil is your paradise.
Do you like white girls? So no, because our whites look like portuguese mutts

>European features
From which part of Europe?
Do you think that an average brit looks like a spaniard?

Search “manaus” on goggle map. That’s where I’m from.

Haven't you noticed that Brazilians on this board 24/7 worship wypipo?


white girls*

I just call people I don't like subhumans, I don't worship anything, just maybe Japan a little

>I don't worship anything, just maybe Japan a little

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just a little bit

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What the fuck happened there? Can anyone give me further context?

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he killed girl and walked away

Me gusta bunda