>nooooooooo if you don’t want to literally bomb russia right now you’re a racist drumpftard troll
What did American “liberals” mean by this? What do “we”
Have to gain?
Nooooooooo if you don’t want to literally bomb russia right now you’re a racist drumpftard troll
Discrimination against Russians it's okay.
less homophobia, which is based for me as it gives me more porn selection
I get it when it’s a “country” like Iraq or Venezuela, but Russia has N-U-K-E-S.
>not pro proxy war every time
But the Hilldawgs pushing this shit aren’t even really “pro-gay” nor do they have any real convictions.
If you fail to resolve conflicts trough diplomacy and have to resort to war you're litterally a non-country
>be rightard
>suck off an authoritarian police state you spent the last 70 years railing against
>if you don’t want a nuclear war with Russia you’re right-wing
the more bombs we drop on russia the more empty space we have in our bomb storage depos the more contracts the military-industrial complex gets to build bombs
follow the money
discrimination against Russians in the USA and Poles in the UK is okay
but don't you care talk about blacks or arabs
What the actual FUCK are you talking about?
>if you oppose proofster nonsense you must want to nuke russia
i can play the same game dumb dumb.
What the fuck, Trump is the one sucking off Putin compared to nearly all presidents before
THIS desu, I quite literally want to bomb Russia at this moment! I can't bear the thought of an unbombed Russia for one second longer!
I really don't want to vote for Trump again but this is getting out of hand. Tulsi Gabbard is getting called a Russian operative for saying that hyping up the collusion to be more than it was is dangerous because Trump has to be super anti-Russian to feign suspicion, and Dems on CNN are literally saying if Trump doesn't send troops into Venezuela he's in the pocket of Putin. 70% of people in both parties wanted better relations with Russia in 2016. What the hell happened?
literal man of straw
>be lefttard
>hate big government but also hate guns and being able to rise up against it
That’s because slavs are actually subhuman.
Because most "progressives" in this country are pants-on-head retarded and will vote for Max Boot-tier neoconservatives who fund Wahhabis as long as they are an intersectional feminist that supports People of Color™.
Russians are white so you can criticize them freely, criticizing any other USA enemy is racist.