If darker Indians are actually closely related to abos as Jow Forums says why do they still have very Caucasian looking features?
If darker Indians are actually closely related to abos as Jow Forums says why do they still have very Caucasian looking...
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Those are abo features
they're racemixed
Europeans are Aboriginal australians.
What's caucasian about it
Because India is a diverse af place and retards on here have almost 0 knowledge about genetics.
This. India has a more diverse populace and more languages with over like a million speakers than all of Europe and the Middle East.
>posts Southern Europeans
they clearly look very Indian especially the bottom guy
They don’t even look 1/4 Indian pajeet.
Or you have a very narrow view of what "Indians" look like especially considering we have countless ethnic groups
Both of those people are 100% Indian
Rapababys indoaryan
he's trying to get (you)s
don't give it to him
Why do you guys care so much about race?
why do you guys care so much about caste?
How new are you? Do you know where you are?
I don't. :/
what were you trying to accomplish here lmfao
He's a 100% Punjabi Bvll from Surrey
kek pajeets are related to this
looks no more caucasian than a prairie nigger
Looks like moot in a way lmao.
Okay rashid.
do you literally think indians are just aziz clones?
da fuck u thin k Indians look like?