/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

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The sun belt is a shithole full of morons

what did yours turn into?

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More like bumbelt lmao

a glasses shop

a 'big lots'

my local blockbuster got converted into a dollar store

>post about seizing power
based. Also the idea of a blut and eisen monarchy is more appealing, but an elective monarchy is a much more stable system. Stability is gay honestly
Also I replied to your post about the books

Torn down, rebuilt as an ER, now defunct.

gf is dragging me to a zoomer party......

>Used to go there on my bike with my dad and sister
>never see sister and dont have a relationship with her or my dad
Time flies

it turned into a videogame store

it closed

and now it is a different videogame store

>The sun belt
what a retarded term, it basically just means "the southern united states but not the southeastern one"

a beauty supply store lol
but it's neighbors turned into a chipotle, a five guys, and some meme italian version of chipotle with meme wrap sandwich things.
Those woulda be awesome to beg for.

If the progressive casts himself into the future, and the conservative into the past, the reactionary does not measure his anxieties with the history of yesterday or with the history of tomorrow. The reactionary does not extol what the next dawn must bring, nor is he terrified by the last shadows of the night. His dwelling rises up in that luminous space where the essential accosts him with its immortal presence. The reactionary escapes the slavery of history because he pursues in the human wilderness the trace of divine footsteps. Man and his deeds are, for the reactionary, a servile and mortal flesh that breathes gusts from beyond the mountains. To be reactionary is to champion causes that do not turn up on the notice board of history, causes where losing does not matter. To be reactionary is to know that we only discover what we think we invent; it is to admit that our imagination does not create, but only lays bares smooth bodies. To be reactionary is not to espouse settled cases, nor to plead for determined conclusions, but rather to submit our will to the necessity that does not constrain, to surrender our freedom to the exigency that does not compel; it is to find sleeping certainties that guide us to the edge of ancient pools. The reactionary is not a nostalgic dreamer of a canceled past, but rather a hunter of sacred shades upon the eternal hills.


miss me with that fluff in the middle

A karate school

gonna go play smash brothers

Is it worth learning Spanish to watch Mexican versions of Shrek/Billy and Mandy/Simpsons? I heard all the jokes are different, so I’m hoping it’ll be like watching the show for the first time again.

watching a Turkish novela
the girls are so cute :3

the jokes barely change

but you won't get the changes

How do you grow plants when you're a backyardlet?

I pay 100% of the bills and pay my girlfriend’s tuition
She buys the food and pays for stuff like Netflix/Apple Music
Am I a cuck?


>paying someone else's tuition
Yes also Apple music is overpriced get Spotify

They’re both 14.99 for the “family” memberships
Also I’d rather have her in as little debt as possible

I'm single and live alone and pay for rent, internet, TV and electricity. Get on my level.

She’s a full time student (I graduated already) and can only work part time
Plus she’s been asking me to get married since the first year we were together
If I didn’t pay for her tuition we’d be paying her debt off with interest later anyway

tfw you pay for cable despite never buying a cable box

fucking jews roped me into a bundle and if i get out of i have to pay more

how old are both of you

Tfw was also forced into having cable
HBO and ESPN are included in my cable package at least

this tbqh
you're basically a cuck otherwise
excedpt i don't pay for tv and this fucking A&E stream is cutting out like a mofo i jsut want to watch blacks get arrested now that im done wathcing them be fat

I’m 26
She’s 20
We met when I was her advisor during her freshman year and she got a crush on me

A huge cuck lmao what the fuck. She's probably not even worth it too

why don't you guys buy your own things?


mmmm does she have an absent father perhaps

wtf did u move with a 20yo.

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Her dad died when she was 5 and she moved in when she was 18 since paying for dorms is expensive as fuck

Imagine supporting a woman instead of using the money to buy hookers and blow

oh no no no no

he is looking for a dad not for a husband.

Hi guys
Queen's here

That last large BK Joe for $.50 (limited time only) is cutting through my belly like a samurai saber. Looks like a 10 shit week.

Do you know what happened to Ottawa(ryan) and Fist of flames?

>providing for a woman
>not even married to her
>she is in college and not even raising your kids at home

ryan is still alive


*checks 'em*
way to make an entrance

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If she had her way we’d have a kid already
She really wants a baby but I said we should wait until she graduates

no need to bring in more children in the world.
there's already a lot of people in the world.
it isn't the 13th century.

smart man, do not give her the baby

This, breeders are bluepilled and cancer

Every time I google myself the only result I get is some blind artist who makes scribble scrabble paintings and people think it's genius

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You know birth rates have fallen below the replacement rates in most countries without high mortality rates right?

Even China had to drop their one-child policy

Drinking alone in the corner of a noisy bar. I want to ask these people to quiet down so i can read.

When i google myself i get me.

What's good for the individual is not the same as what's good for society. Get that into your thick head

I’ll give her the baby when she graduates
Her mom wants grandkids too

cuck lmao, tell her if she wants a baby to get out of college then
dumbass if you don't breed retards who don't care about overpopulation will. Not breeding is self defeating

its time for bed buds sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite bite bite

fuck society

thats a good thing

It turned into the best place to buy seed and feed this side the mason dixon.

>you will never be as intelligent as Queen's

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Overpopulation is a jewish scam

why do weed gummies taste like alcohol?

My dad is against me doing drugs but I eat his hidden weed edibles sometimes. Do you think hed be mad I was doing drugs if he found out or do you think hed just be embarassed?

>Excuse me miss, tryna get the redditflag changed?

>we should have less kids then

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i don't know shit about weed edibles because it is easier to smoke it. But isnt weed soluble in ethanol? Maybe that is part of the dude weed gummy process

>>we should have less kids then
But then there's less competition for the eternal jew to dominate

My girlfriend already has a big ass list of names for our kids

watching "Laura"

Time to break it off

it is real but
> 204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.

why faggot

ate a lot and now I have stomach ache :c

No I want to marry her and give her the babies she keeps asking for

jim+karen > jim+pam


Wish I could fuck a twink or a cute trap but all of the gays are ugly irl and the few attractive trannies are like 25 which is yikes tier

anyone else want to do a name change?

I kinda want to buy one of those shitty meth den homes and gut it from the inside to a decent house


the mexican show?

the woman is from Argentina I think tho

If I was really rich I would buy big nigger shithole neighborhoods and demolish them to plant trees

If I were rich I would buy and develop poor neighborhoods while not raising the rent of the residents, and would provide better education to the children

why are you watching it lol? are you a chi?
she's from peru

jim pam < jim karen < jim beam

then send the niggers to California, right?


Dunno if you're still here, I left for a bit to clean up my dishes. Just checking out those links now. I guess my opposition to the term 'reactionary' lies in its presupposed and flawed linear conception of history. I try to avoid terminology that places ideas inside a framework with which I do not agree.

If you're interested in further book recs, I think you might enjoy De Maistre's "St. Petersburg Dialogues".

theres nothing else on tv
i'm a Mexican immigrant


I meant the ones with lots of abandoned houses, but if there were still nigsthere I dont give a shit where they go

does mexico have CHIs?

>been thinking about her, the one who got away
>start thinking that I'm different now and I can handle my autism properly for the next girl that comes along, and also that I can do so much more
Be honest with me Jow Forums is this cope or am I right?

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The way reactionaries use it is more "My idea of a good society is a society like the one which came before" as opposed to conserving the current one or an ideal future, they dont use it in the political sense of actually restoring the past