
Based poster edition

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like this one better

>tfw the only girl I love loves almost 700 miles away


didn't you cut your feet? how did your sister react when you showed up at her house with no shoes on?

how did you meet her?


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great edition

Also you lose track of time in the mental bed room as there's no clock only out in the eating area. Not a problem now.

I just finished masturbating, and came in my shorts. Didn’t even feel like cleaning it up.

>Americans can't bant-

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Fuck boys. I think this sexy 55 year old lady was trying to pick me up at the discount bakery rack at Wal-Mart. I sperged out though. I should have gone for it.

so why were you sitting in your room for three days and why does that make them call the police and ambo on you

australia, did you ever say what that joke that got you punished on april's fools was?

why didn't you just get naked and come on a tissue or something?
>tfw you come and it lands right at your navel

>buying bread from walmart

There's two women named Skye in here lads.

I was just walking around because it's rainy outside. I did buy a mini carrot cake that was discounted to 80 cents. And some cottage cheese for brekky.

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>hello Tall boy

did you like it

It's alright, i was kind of craving something sweet.

yes! thank you homeslice

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Bestbruce is the best poster, but having a split thread will just ruin everyone's night. Please post here

That’s a funny one because it is (was) relatable

I literally just discovered how cheap and decent their bread seems to be. Got half a big loaf of rye, baked on site, for a buck. Like 15 min ago. It's better than safeway desu.


gonna pass on that offer myself

Islam is cringe
Piss off

end your life

bitch niggas

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well, i guess if you like it but i've bought bread here before from supermarkets and i don't really like it. it's pretty bland

watching Bob's burgers, frens

I think that man is Sikh, but okay, I'll back down. Let's just post here. People have posted in my late editions before because they thought they were superior, I can't be a hypocrite.

I thought you only ate tacos and tortillas

comfy show to watch while eating
i like the voice over in spanish, too

Not that guy, some are bland, but they have a few recipes are legit pretty good.

Tumblr meets reddit the show imHo

he's just larping to fit in


i thought you only ate shit out of asian women's buttholes

I'm saying it's good and cheap for what it is. It's better than factory loaf and cheaper than factory loaf. It's obviously worse than a real bakery. We don't generally have cheap, real bakeries in the US though.

>not having access to a clock
that'd really fuck me up i think

Yes I do, what made you doubt it?

Also the absolute state of the autists posting in that Muzzie thread

where do americans get their tortillas from?

Gracias amigo

the krogers in my city have instore made small bakery tier bread. cheap too. they've got baguettes for like $3

>Tumblr meets reddit the show imHo

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nobody makes tortillas in my city so the only option is to buy the prepackaged ones at the supermarket

you like a woman who looks like a man so your opinion is worthless

>$3 baguette
The fuck are they baking into it
Gold leafs? LOL
3 buX for a ‘guette

do canadias eat tortillas too? what do you guys do with them?

Jesus Christ
A friend of mine recommended I check out an app called Headspace so I downloaded it just to take a peek
Look at these fucking prices

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>do canadias eat tortillas too? what do you guys do with them?
Not really, just to make Mexican food (or Tex-Mex)

Probably just rain sounds or something LOL

Like that retarded app that does nothing for 15 minutes so you can calm down
How retarded do you have to be to need an app to tell you to stfu and chiLLax for 15 minutes

that's not much more per year than spotify or Google play music, but those services are worth it while this just looks retarded

they smear them with canned cranberry jelly and cottage cheese, sprinkle msg on top, roll them up, and fry them.

don't bother. it's just basic mediation techniques and philosophy. nothing you can't learn online. it only sells because people just want to put on headphones and be told what to do

That sounds delicious desu


eh, some people want/need to be told what to do

guess so

thinking about her

It's snowing

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Let her in on your secret heart

the only thing i have a recurring subscription to (aside from utilities like power and internet) is sam hyde's gumroad

is Tacoma nice?

Tacoma Soma

Yummy. Thanks taxpayer.

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>paying for music

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no its terrible. it has what they call the "aroma of tacoma" which is rather unpleasant


Can’t imagine a life without pewdiepie at this point

Lads I bet the staff at the shared house went snopping through my belongings since I've been in here. My dad told me they took the mattress off the bed for some reason.

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>no girls want to hang out me because I have a girlfriend
How do I escape this quandary

probably just to air it out and maybe spray some disinfectant on it

You need buds


Cold and wet out. Had some hail earlier and i saw a handful of snowflakes. Doing some hektik slides on the back roads.

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based hospital mealposter

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I air out my bed regularly on Saturdays and I didn't piss in the bed. Out the window.

>1% milk

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Taxpayers are such paypigs

do they know you do that though

I'll post my menu tomorrow.

wtf is milkette

Is that because you think you're fat?

brave mugshot post

That lil cup of coffee cream

I have a pee fetish

Apparently this hospital is under going some construction. We are going to get a gym & sauna.

double based

wish someone would reply "based" to my posts

think it was some milk so wtf not lmao
basically bare minumum of calories while your in there, gotta get what you can.

>sideways milkette creamer in top left

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