I got Frenched

I got Frenched

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Solid meme but off topic wtf is this boards obsession with req?

they lost all their money in it and are now desperate to get it back

It’s never coming back

I am so closing to throwing like $40k into REQ. I think it has a huge potential to moon either through hype, a listing on Coinbase, or simple manipulation.

imagine buying req at ath le no stoploss
you need req to almost 17x before breaking even in fiat

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Haha, t'as entendu ça Grichka ? On dirait que les bogdabots ont fonctionnés !

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> We tried our best

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Haha on vous a bien enculé, merci pour l'argent les cocus !

i told a bunch of friends to buy REQ at 3-5 cents back in october, when it was sub-ICO
a few of them listened and cashed out after making 1000% gains - they are very happy with me now lol
others, i found out later FOMOed in around 70-80 cents, two months after i first told them to buy


Gearing up for round two

it will 34x before EOY

>thats a 2x for ath buyers

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it could go back to 50 cents but no more. the fundamentals have changed (for the worse). i doubt we'll see REQ in the top 100 coins ever again

The only proyect with a valid use case right now. Keep buying chink scams, retards.

you are the deluded ones lmao
one says, 34x is way too much while the other one says its way too low

get over yourself. REQ is not going 34x in the near future... maybe over the next few years if they get their shit together

i hope you understand that the 2017 REQ moon was a massive pump and dump by whales who used coordinated r*ddit shilling to make the r*dditors think they were getting in at the ground floor of the next paypal. much like VEN and XRB/NANO. turns out they weren't getting in at the ground floor of anything, they were just left holding the bag.

why are you in this thread, seems like you are salty cuz you bought the top.Dont you have anything better to do?

dont even compare req to chink scams, ya dum dum.

>implying they aren’t one of the best projects in crypto

did you read my posts in this thread? i bought REQ back in october for less than 5 cents and sold near the top for LINK and ZRX. turned out to be a phenomenal play and i've more than 10x'd the amount of REQ tokens i was able to afford at the start. but i've been DCAing back into REQ since 15 cents or so.

i'm holding over 200k REQ. as much as i'd love for it to go back to $1.00, you're delusional if you think that will happen anytime soon. the positive community sentiment and enthusiasm about the project have all but vanished. people are pissed at the team for missing their deadlines, losing the wikimedia partnership, shifting to a "dynamic" roadmap, and diverting attention from their lack of accomplishments by trying to rebrand as a sort of jack-of-all-trades (crowdfunding, IoT, auditing, etc). while the team is fairly professional and highly communicative, there really is a lot to dislike about the way things have progressed.

that being said it is probably a good buy right now as it seems poised to retrace 2 or 3x. but 34x? get out of here.