At least 75% of posts on / biz/ are shills. Prove me wrong. The most obvious and promising cryptos are being ignored. Every day i visit this place and see the same stale posts.
At least 75% of posts on / biz/ are shills. Prove me wrong. The most obvious and promising cryptos are being ignored...
Other urls found in this thread:
how new are you? Back in dec it was 95% shills and 5% troll threads.
Imagine pinching her nipple and then slapping her whore face.
Yeah exaclty the coins that you see allot are the ones not to buy. I myself am 90% in Apollo(APL) and i come here everyday and so 0 posts/comments about it. So i always post 1 or 2 comments about it and leave it by that. Sometimes a post or two in a week. Just hoping that i can make some people rich.
it's more like 85%
Holy FUCK that pic
Good Lord have mercy
>75% of posts are shills
Pretty sure its double that - mods do a fantastic job
ah, to be a teenager again
by that logic you shouldn't buy bitcoin/ethereum and go all in dogecoin
Are you 12?
Stay mad, fags.
Are you both gay?
150 % are shills then
all posts are shills or fuds. if we had new blood coming everyday like leddit then we would have new info too but right now its all pajeets and chinks trying to force their scam down our throat.
trust no coin discussed here, it's always a lie
Manaccan ... ?
Funfair and Cardano, trust me.
it's honestly too bad about her face.
>"how new are you?"
>joined in dec
This post is a lie
Imagine biting her neck
For making it in crypto, let me shill you my friends discord server for free premium trading signals (from paid groups) and educational resources.
Buy bitbean faggot
If that's a mannequin I want to buy it and fuck it. If its a real woman then she's probably a cunt
its a lot more
like 95%
Only pajeets trying to trow their shitcoin bags on noobs