> simple NEET > discover TRTL in january > see its potential and notice many competent devs > start accumulating TRTL > TRTL devs teach me how to code > mining 100K a day > LTC pair gets introduced > spend 100 every week to get buy more TRTL >making apps now and earning TRTL with it > bought 20 LTC worth of TRTL just now > TRTL gets listed on CMC > patiently waiting for merged mining, karai, mobius, web walllet & athena.
the future is looking bright for me Jow Forums how are all of you doing today?
What I got from your post >i bought turtle >i mined turtle >i bought more turtle You've literally gained nothing.
Nicholas Hall
This meme it's off the hook
Ryder Robinson
What I got from your post >fake >gay >fake and gay You literally smoke dicks
Andrew Jackson
You're living proof that biz is retarded. If you want to stay poor then stay poor.
Oliver Nelson
they're kids man, let them off the hook. one day they will grow up and stop acting retarded (maybe)
Christopher Murphy
TRTL under 1 sat will never be seen soon again under 1 sat is a steal people are still paying 1 sat for it buying with LTC means you are literally doubling your investment in BTC
lmao turtle toddlers utterly and anally destroyed, how they can recover from that
Jace Foster
the code speaks for itself checkout their Github they are the leading CN coin after Monero ranked 27 for dev rank on coingecko contributes upstream to cryptonote
how autistic are you? why would anyone buy for 1 sat when you can buy it for less.
> if you're one of the lucky guys getting his two dollar order filled
pleb over here thinks you can only trade on a centralized exchage for BTC baka
> yes, anyone selling is stealing another retard's money
exactly, only a retard would sell under 1 sat - now you're getting it.
>true, it will die and we won't see it at any price thankfully
oh gee wiz it will die, while somehow being the second most forked CN project out there. Every new CN coin is turtle base.
Sebastian Foster
and the coin is still useless. I seriously dont fucking understand what is the fucking purpose of this coin? >easy to mine ? cause there is no fucking reason for mining it so no one give a shit that's why its easy to mine. >It's fun Doge is fun and yes that's is enough, seriously why do we need another overvalue memes coin ?
Andrew Williams
>y dont fucking understand what is the fucking purpose of this coin?
TRTL Karai (DATA) Athena (ATX)
Utility? -market place -merged mining -private smart contracts
private smart contracts? almost every contract at the moment is a private contract think about it you fucking brainlet
one look at their github says it all look at the commits read the code checkout the issues/discussion look at dev channels in discord
Why are you even bothering creating FUD when clearly you have no clue what you're talking about sir.
and i guest that's the problem of decentralize, everyone got the right to create shit and bring on the table even some fucking retarded pedo can create sth and call them "cryptocurrency".
>pleb over here thinks you can only trade on a centralized exchage for BTC baka How the FUCK do I buy an amount of these shitcoin without going to tradeogre/tradesatoshi? I just want to give a nigga $50 for 100 million of these little shits
Grayson Thompson
There are a few OTC channels around, but tradeogre is a solid exchange
Juan Howard
>how autistic are you? why would anyone buy for 1 sat when you can buy it for less.
So nodoby is paying 1 sat for it? But you said they were? Make up your fucking mind you shitty ass shill
>pleb over here thinks you can only trade on a centralized exchage for BTC baka
HAHA yes my man, there are a whole lot of OTC deals for turtlecoin, it's not like it's being sold for pennies by the millions, such high demand
>exactly, only a retard would sell under 1 sat - now you're getting it.
Zero reading comprehension, didn't even understood what i said. Anyway, anyone selling on the LTC pair is right for jumping off the sinking ship, it's not like its hard to buy back later, with all these cheap unfulfilled sell orders on the books
>:oh gee wiz it will die, while somehow being the second most forked CN project out there. Every new CN coin is turtle base.
Tell me about these Turtlecoin forks. I only know about Worktips. Whoa, sure feels like a winner this one.
>There are a few OTC channels around Gib. >tradeogre is a solid exchange I don't want to go through hoops of buying BTC/LTC to convert to TRTL. I just want to PP a nigga straightup cash and be done with it
Wyatt Wilson
There's one here, [discord] 9fpC7u but most people in crypto are gonna be a bit wary of using paypal due to chargeback risks
This is why biz will be forever /poor/. You niggers are only interested in get rich quick garbage, literal pyramid schemes, etc.. Turtle's development speaks for itself. The difference between turtle and other projects is the fact that the dev team isn't shilling the living fuck out of their project before its actually ready. Turtle is literally crypto done right.
Jow Forums never gets it. Jow Forums never sees it. Jow Forums never makes it.
don't be like Jow Forums.
Brody Thomas
Daily reminder Turtlecoin was, right at the beginning, nothing more than a pump and dump shitcoin. It was shilled here back in December, then it pumped, and then it dumped, like all these shitcoins do.
It is incessantly shilled right now either by bagholders who bought the top, or even worse, the devs and miners who got in right at the start, looking for another chump to dump on.
Jonathan Lewis
> Pedo coin made by a pedo dev > muh privacy for CP
>Jow Forums never gets it. >Jow Forums never sees it. >Jow Forums never makes it. >don't be like Jow Forums.
Oh the irony. Seems like biz IS getting it after all
Wyatt Campbell
There's too many fucking coins man. If you wanted to buy into something with umpteen gajillion fucking coins, you should have bought TRX.... at least TRX has REAL MONEY behind it and is not just a team of script kids who are slowly burning through their 2017 crypto profits.
Jackson Ward
How is Jow Forums getting it? That was literally their ANN.
> TRTL literally gives itself to Jow Forums > Jow Forums buys LINK
It is being sold for one sat and below on tradeogre, there's no KYC there, why do you want to buy directly?
David Davis
can you buy TRLT for $ straight on TO? TS is having some fuckery with their login. I have notified them last week but they're "still looking at it"
Ryder Adams
Tradesatoshi is a selective scam, they aren't recommended for buying trtls
Joseph Rodriguez
Say what you want about TRTL but it saved my ass during the BTC crash before the LTC pair. Ultimate hedge as it couldn't sink any lower.
Managed to buy over 1000 USD worth of mining hardware with TRTL (17M) which I never paid any fiat so that been a very big win for me.
Bought over 35M for 1000 USD few day ago. So yeh, I'm holding lots now because it will only go up now with the CMC listing.
Dozens of new users are already streaming into their discord.
No matter if you think it's a shitcoin or not, it is a very good investment imo. Do the math on the supply with keeping the two decimals in mind and check out their Github and market cap.
I don't know, works fine to me, but you should take it as a sign to not buy this shitcoin, why are you so desperate to buy this garbage. Take that money and gamble on satoshidice, the odds are better
>why are you so desperate to buy this garbage. Because Jow Forums tells me not to buy it
Lucas Jones
Why is this shitcoin still being shilled here? Even the developers have given up. I have even witnessed the lead developer that thinks he is an alien call it toilet coin. Just give up already. Worktop has a better working product.
Andrew Reed
Sorry i didn't know you were retarded.
Nicholas Sullivan
>Why is this shitcoin still being shilled here? Even the developers have given up. I have even witnessed the lead developer that thinks he is an alien call it toilet coin. Just give up already. Worktop has a better working product.
who is the lead dev then? sounds like FUD to me.
Hunter Rodriguez
There is no "lead dev" when TurtleCoin is so community driven it has 70+ devs. Also that guy is trolling you, or you're trolling me
Jose Brown
>Say what you want about TRTL but it saved my ass during the BTC crash before the LTC pair. Ultimate hedge as it couldn't sink any lower.
It's not a hedge if you can't sell it. Do you even know what a hedge is?
>Managed to buy over 1000 USD worth of mining hardware with TRTL (17M) which I never paid any fiat so that been a very big win for me.
Congratulations, but you should not mistake sheer luck as competence. Take it as a lesson that in the golden bull run, even hopeless coin like this had this day. Things are different now, and if you didn't realized yet, few projects will survive in the future, and this one isn't look like it.
>Bought over 35M for 1000 USD few day ago. So yeh, I'm holding lots now because it will only go up now with the CMC listing.
Oh my.
>Dozens of new users are already streaming into their discord.
So? Do you realize how many new buyers you need for this coin to move? The reason pump and dump coins is because there are more and more coins mined each passing day, it's not like when it debuted, when the supply as low. Every sat it rises, a new wave of bagholders will be looking for an exit, you should've realized this by now.
>No matter if you think it's a shitcoin or not, it is a very good investment imo. Do the math on the supply with keeping the two decimals in mind and check out their Github and market cap.
There's no hope for the deluded. How can you sa this is a "very good investment?" Just look at the writing on the wall, for christ sake. Even well estabilished coins are looking more like a sham as the time goes by, and do you think they'll flock to... turtlecoin? lmao.
Jack Johnson
You're not fooling anyone vitalik, we know you want to keep the price low so that you can keep accumulating but there's no stopping the hype for trtl being now on coinmarketcap and top 100 soon
>pedo dev wew lads, chinese whispers from people calling turtle marine a pedo? (He wasn't a dev he just spend his mommy's money on a few trtl and forgot to take his meds)