Reverse FOMO

Did you miss the exitscam? Get in early on this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

timer is sick, guaranteed snipe at end for whale = free divs

imagine not having 5,000 keys

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Reverse FOMO is best FOMO.
Cant wait for a new round to start.

Post your earnings

How many keys to make it?

A whale can buy the pot out with 15K eth, so do the math. Basically anyone with even 100 keys is gonna make it.

The ending of this one is going to be absolutely wild.
Someone should post this to the Team JUST discord kek.

>Someone should post this to the Team JUST discord kek.
they'll just start crapflooding these threads with FUD about it being a scam, like they do with everything

Fake snakey

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well this one's a bit depressing but I'll check my own digits anyway

I actually can unironically only retire at age 75 because I worked so little in my life, I checked the government calculator

>I actually can unironically only retire at age 75 because I worked so little in my life, I checked the government calculator
how old are you?


Sure smells like curry in this thread.

Difference being that this one is super profitable and is a rather novel idea

give me a quick run down
if I throw 2eth in, what do I get back and in how long?

>if I throw 2eth in, what do I get back and in how long?
I'm speculating, but I personally believe this is going to blow the fuck up. I've just been watching it nonstop for the last few hours and it does nothing but go up. I think the idea is really smart and ultimately guarantees that it will end eventually and the earlier adopters will profit massively unlike the standard positive FOMO contracts.

Keep in mind that these things are usually parabolic, so once it takes off, it's taking the fuck off. I got in, what, 30 mins ago? and already recouped half of what I put in. I won't be surprised if I've completely doubled my investment before I go to sleep and went 10x by the time I wake up, which happened with other clever variations in the past.

That's if I go to sleep, kek

>ultimately guarantees that it will end eventually
oh really? how?

>oh really? how?
The timer can only go down, and after a certain point it can be profitable for a whale to simply basically buy the pot. It would take 15K ETH right now.

But basically with each passing moment, the timer speeds up, and it will eventually reach 0 no matter what

The clock counts down and every key purchase reduces the clock further. At some point a whale can buy the whole thing and win the pot, resulting in insane dividends.

oh the pot can be bought out. gotcha
holy shit

Yeah, i guess that's not really clear in the OP but the idea is so simple it's fucking genius lmao

also, in this one the timer doesnt reset with every key bought, correct?

>also, in this one the timer doesnt reset with every key bought, correct?
Every key bought lowers the timer by 1 second kek

damn so this shit actually will end I guess
unless the price gets too high per key and nobody wants to push it down anymore?

>unless the price gets too high per key and nobody wants to push it down anymore?
the price per key can't get too high, it caps out at a certain point, also basically the timer will decrease no matter what

gotcha. so if I have say 2eth to play with, I should use them all at once right?
also why WOULDN'T a whale just buy the pot on these types of things every time, it's literally free eth. the only reason I can think of is people are greedy and want a larger pot.
Also can you explain how the dividends work?

It's relatively unknown right now so my guess is that 1) whales haven't seen it yet and 2) it's not yet profitable to do that since the pot is relatively low and it would take 15,000 ETH. Still, it's bound to go up a fuck ton and every second that passes after it meets that threshold is just one second closer to the singularity in that sense.

But even ignoring that, you get dividends basically whenever anyone buys keys, I'm not sure what the formula is but hopefully someone can chime in

There's a bigger thread here:

>gotcha. so if I have say 2eth to play with, I should use them all at once right?
Forgot to answer: yes, definitely. If you don't do it all at once, the price will just go up between purchases, which is pointless. The idea is to get in all at once and then only bid very small amounts (buy one key at a time) afaik

More like rice

where can I see the smart contract?

Is it even legit

thanks bby
lets make it

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withdrew and reinvested once

here's what i'm sitting on

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how much eth did 5k keys cost?

womp womp

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this, waiting for pink wojack threads tomorrow when the devs exit scam

top kek
>FUDding instead of getting in early

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like .3 ETH

>The idea is to get in all at once and then only bid very small amounts (buy one key at a time) afaik
wait can you explain the later part?
If I put 1 eth in there, I can't just set it and forget it? I have to actively keep buying keys?

>I have to actively keep buying keys?
No, you can set and forget if you just want to earn dividends.

but the more keys I buy later the more divs I get right?

>but the more keys I buy later the more divs I get right?
Yes, correct, so when the FOMO kicks in you'll get huge divs if you pay a lump sum now (that's how the FOMO works, basically, and then people compete over the pot on top of that)

this shit is so based
what a time to be alive

>what a time to be alive

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shall we post it on faggit?

do it

It's time... do it. If biz is not in, it's to late for you.. faggit is where we go to make money. DO IT

Can anyone explain who loses in this scheme and how?

the redditors who buy in next week for 10x the price chasing the pot will lose, because there will be only one winner

Late buyers because they wont make their eth back in dividends. If you buy now though you'll be early a whale will buy the jackpot when the timer goes down enough for it to be worth it. Lots of divis

>tfw put in $50 literally 5 mins ago and have $1 in div already
Something tells me I'm going to eat out tomorrow

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>tfw we are the Big Brains
see you in the mornin'
>>normalfags still haven't gotten home to FOMO
>>asiafags still haven't gotten up to gambleFOMO

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will i make it if i buy 3k keys now :( or is it too late

its exploding 11 eth just in

Houston, we have liftoff of the space shuttle Jow Forums. Anyone not on board now is gettin' left behind. Houston, that's a Rodger.

about to buy 10k keys
you ready bruv?

pic related
I love this shit

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this thing is going to 15k eth so you tell me

holy fuck literally 15 minutes on the nose and I made $165
literally $660 an hour, just playing this stupid game

what a time to be alive...

what was your initial "investment" again?

that was your boy :)

this is not a drill, this is not drill, fags brace yourself for impact.

What kind of returns are possible? 10x?

someone can correct me but if someone buys this out then probably at least that

How many keys you holding?

why the fuck arent my transactions going through on metamask, using 100 gwei for gas shouldnt this be enough??
Contract has increased 50% over since I first tried ffs

Woo! Another $200 in my pocket! Lawdy

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Try resetting you metamask account. Google it.

10x or more if the contract gets run out on ETH.
like 0.01x if you're the second to last buyer and this thing just runs for 200 days until it times out naturally.
Its a gamble m8, but the earlier you get in, the better the chances you aren't left holding the hot potato.

>why the fuck arent my transactions going through on metamask, using 100 gwei for gas shouldnt this be enough??
Sir , post your ETH address and I will try to render technical assistance. please sir.

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Won't this be affected by JUST.JS that Team Just installed into their code?

+100 usd everytime i refresh im shaking

Can I get some quick help? my transaction 'can't be found' on etherscan and metamask had (warning) next to the transaction address

>+100 usd everytime i refresh im shaking
this holy shit
I need to literally go outside for a minute heh

bought with .3 eth when the pot was 29 eth

i have now 0.1
if i withdraw i will still have the keys?




can someone please explain what this means?
on lockdown is .18eth
but what I actually have is .03eth
what does lockdown mean?

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>bought with .3 eth when the pot was 29 eth
congratulations, you're going to be rich tomorrow

Money, money, money

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thanks m8, got in late, but better than never
go into settings, reset account, retry transaction

This modified game is actually genius now that I think about it more. There is an aligned incentive between whales and people playing this game as once the jackpot reaches a certain point, the whale will want to claim it, resulting in him winning the pot and the buyers getting divs.

The only losers are the ones that buy super late, but even they will recoup losses from the final whale buy.

lockdown is what you get at the end of the round (part of current pot).
Turn on tutorials to explains these things.

yeah this is insane

the loser is the whale who miscalculates the last buy.

twice now i submit a transaction and it can't be found on etherscan, a different one in between these two went through though and idk what im doing wrong

Yeah much better. Since there is the early div game -- much fun! Then the late pot game (we haven't seen this yet). The timer counting down is actually a cool idea that will brings on the late game.

both true
checking my own digits and reporting my own gainz
good luck out there, friends

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so you get lockdown + dividends basically?

somebody put 20 eth fags