Ur cunny

>ur cunny
>have you ever been banned from an online game
surprisingly, no

Attached: image.png (1280x720, 2.39M)

many times for cheating in csgo

Some Russian faggot kicked me in DayZ once

used to cheat at valve games but somehow never got banned

what is it with finns and cheating?

compensation for being trash at games

>of course yes

mostly in GunBound

Got banned for 1 weeks for bully some kid in internet when i was yuong. I don't choose any swear or offensive word but seem like he really hurt.

>Yes, I cheated in cs:go because one of the enemy was cheating too. I tried to fight fire with fire which is pretty fucking stupid

Yes, in Gunz: The Duel

it was so easy to use cheats there

Attached: Gunz0148gp2.jpg (365x273, 26K)

its fun

i was bullied in school

I've been banned from RL twice for chatting shit at others lmao

I've been banned from PSN several times for calling out a MLP fag.

I got VAC banned in CS 13 years ago

I've said nigger on Heroes of the Storm quite a few time (even when filling a report once) and I never had anything

I was banned for calling a frenchie "faguette" in rocket league

Not banned but i got muted once on runescape for making a jews joke.

Got permad on League of legends for calling someone a nigger. They deserved it

I got banned a lot on Roblox for causing flamewars and swearing on the forums.

Lol how is that even possible? I called my jungler subhuman and said that his race deserved a fcking holocaust and I only got a low priority queue for 5 games lmao

I flamebait a lot, therefore reported a lot i imagine. Also i think you only get detected if you actually get reported and the more reports the worse.


I flame a lot and I mean a lot and I never got suspended. Only some low pri queues and that's it. Which elo are/were you when this happened?

Gold. I never got any low prios or anything. I always assumed you could only get them by afking games, which I didn't.

>ur cunny
This shit should be a bannable offense.
>your second part of a truly one part question
No because I don't cheat or attempt to break rules for an advantage. I have been "jailed" for "harassment" in Ultima Online tho.